Sabine LeBel on Queer Environmental Futures [video]

RAVEN co-investigator Sabine LeBel presented this engaging talk on queer environmental futures, captured on video and published here by the NB Media Co-op. Sabine is an Assistant Professor in the Culture and Media Studies Department at the University of New Brunswick Fredericton. 

The talk was part of St. Thomas University’s Environmental Praxis Lecture Series.

Canada’s support for nuclear reactors and opposition in New Brunswick

RAVEN’s Susan O’Donnell represents the project in the Coalition for Responsible Energy Development in New Brunswick (CRED-NB). For the NB Media Co-op, Susan wrote an analysis of the federal throne speech and government support for new nuclear reactors. You can read her article here.

RAVEN is engaged in this issue because the nuclear projects planned for New Brunswick are delaying genuine climate action. They do nothing to address the climate crisis and divert resources and attention to the need to rapidly increase our reliance on renewable energy.

RAVEN video contest winners!

The RAVEN project is pleased to announce the winners of our cell phone music video contest on the theme Growing a Better Future:

Youth – $500 prize

  • Grow it Yourself – Tess Green, East Brighton, NB
  • Seeds are for Sharing – Michael Daugherty with Rosie and Arthur, Knowlesville, NB

Adult – $1,000 prize

  • Notre Jardin – Our future – Melissa LeBlanc and Anna Vienneau, Nashwaak Bridge, NB
  • Planted – Ryleigh Hatch and Erin Sawden, Harvey, NB
  • Dig a Hole – Brendan Green, East Brighton, NB
  • Standing Tall – Eric D’s Allain, Moncton, NB

Runner-up – $500 prize

  • Food Creates Community – Adam Weaver, Scotch Lake, NB

You can view the winning videos here:

Congratulations to all our contest winners!

Fredericton climate action rally has renewable energy, anti-nuclear message

Extinction Rebellion New Brunswick a rally in Fredericton on Sept. 25, the Global Day of Climate Action, outside the office of Premier Blaine Higgs. Protesters called on the government to transition rapidly to renewable energy and stop their plans to develop new nuclear reactors in the province. RAVEN’s Susan O’Donnell wrote this story about the rally for the NB Media Co-op.

Mark McLaughlin on the rise of eco-comics and how the Maritime governments helped shaped environmental education [video]

RAVEN partnered with the NB Media Co-op and the Environmental Praxis lecture series at St. Thomas University on this talk by Dr. Mark McLaughlin. Mark discussed the history of using comics for environmental education and how comics were used in particular by Maritime governments in the 1970s to shape environmental education. The video of his talk was published by the NB Media Co-op. You can view it here.

“Coal is not progress, it is death”: Indigenous Wayuu woman

Indigenous Wayuu and Afro-Colombian communities have long been vocal against the forced displacement, environmental degradation, human rights abuses and increasing death toll caused by the Cerrejón coal mine in Colombia. NB Power sources coal from this mine.

RAVEN’s Environmental Action reporter Cortney MacDonnell prepared a video and wrote a story about it for the NB Media Co-op. You can read Cortney’s story here.

RAVEN students Fall 2020

RAVEN is pleased to have three new students working with the project this term:

  • Christine Jean is an Honours student in Anthropology and History at UNB. She is working with Kim Reeder and Susan O’Donnell on the sustainable energy development project.
  • Kelly Green is a STU student majoring in Environment & Society Studies and Communications & Public Policy with a minor in Sociology and Science & Technology Studies. Kelly is working with Janice Harvey and Rose He on the fossil fuel divestment project.
  • Rose He is in the first year Engineering program at UNB. Rose is working with Kelly Green and Susan O’Donnell on the fossil fuel divestment project.

Two new nuclear reactors for New Brunswick with no adequate policy on radioactive waste in place

RAVEN’s Susan O’Donnell teamed up with Gordon Edwards of the Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility to write this article in the Ottawa publication, the Hill Times. In their article, they discuss how the federal government is planning to fund new nuclear reactors for New Brunswick while the radioactive waste policy is inadequate. You can read their article here.

RAVEN is engaged in the nuclear issue because the nuclear projects planned for New Brunswick are delaying genuine climate action. They do nothing to address the climate crisis and divert resources and attention to the need to rapidly increase our reliance on renewable energy.

A just energy transition for the communities where “blood coal” is extracted and burned

Environmental action reporter Cortney MacDonnell spoke with people in both northern New Brunswick region and Colombia, where NB Power has been sourcing coal since 1993 when the Belledune plant opened. Read her article here, published by RAVEN partner the NB Media Co-op.

Building community: new market in Hampton

“The sweet smell of baked goods, fresh food and wildflowers now floods the pavilion on Friday nights in the town of Hampton. The Lupine Market was started by Gillian Cormier and Elizabeth Malatestinic, when they recognized that more could be done to help support local farmers and businesses in their hometown.”

Read Hannah Moore’s latest story for the NB Media Co-op here.

RAVEN’s second academic publication!

Our second research manuscript was published this week by the Journal of Rural and Community Development. The research and writing team for “Leadership for Climate Change Adaptation in a Rural Region in New Brunswick, Canada” was Kim Reeder and Susan O’Donnell from the RAVEN project and Adrian Prado with the Northwest Regional Service Commission. You can read the abstract and publication here.

The garden is coming in! Now what?

“This morning I laid in bed wondering if I should make salsa this weekend or try to wait until there were more tomatoes. The cabbage moth made a strike on my cabbages while I was on vacation and now, I have to either meticulously clean each leaf or I can pick it now and make sauerkraut. My zucchinis and cucumbers are also getting big and need to be processed as soon as possible.”

RAVEN’s Amy Floyd writes about what to do with the produce from your garden this week. Read Amy’s story here.

Hope Blooms: youth-driven food security movement flourishes in Halifax

RAVEN’s reporter Hannah Moore writes this week from Nova Scotia:

“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” This is the motto that drives Hope Blooms, a community project based in the North End of Halifax. It is a space that provides people in the community with opportunities to learn, share, connect and grow.”

Read Hannah’s story here.

Solar Energy in New Brunswick: new video

RAVEN worked as a member of CRED-NB to publish the video of our webinar on solar energy in New Brunswick. The event brought together experts and policy makers on the topic in the province and across Canada. An excellent start to a much-needed ongoing conversation on renewable energy development!

Watch the video from the Video tab on the CRED-NB website.

Planting urban food gardens in New Brunswick

This week, RAVEN’s food security reporter Hannah Moore writes about urban food gardens:

“With crowded neighbours, limited space and bustling roads, urban dwellers may feel discouraged from growing food on their property. For those with greenspace surrounding their homes in the city, the status quo is to maintain a nice green lawn, maybe with some perennials or annual flowers. But lawns in the city have the potential to offer much more than a pretty face.” Read Hannah’s article here.

Are you living in a food desert in New Brunswick?

RAVEN’s summer reporter Hannah Moore writes this week about food deserts:

“A food desert is an area where access to affordable, healthy food is restricted because residents do not have a grocery store within a convenient travelling distance. In a city, neighbourhoods 5km or farther from a supermarket, grocery store, garden or market may be considered food deserts. In rural settings, the radius can be much greater.” Read Hannah’s story here.

NB Power’s renewable energy claims disputed

Cortney MacDonnell writes this week for the NB Media Co-op about claims made by NB Power and their renewable energy use:

“NB Power claims to be supplying New Brunswick with over 40 percent renewable energy but a local solar firm says that is not the case. Megan McCann and Mark McCann are co-owners of MJM Solar Solutions. They have been advocating the use of renewable energy for over a decade. According to their analysis, NB Power is generating closer to 20 percent renewable energy in the province.” Read Cortney’s story here.

Commentary in The Hill Times on radioactive waste in New Brunswick

Nuclear expert Gordon Edwards teamed up with RAVEN’s Susan O’Donnell to write a commentary published in The Hill Times, a news outlet read by MPs and decision-makers in Ottawa. You can read their commentary here.

The nuclear projects planned for New Brunswick are delaying genuine climate action. They do nothing to address the climate crisis and divert resources and attention to the need to rapidly increase our reliance on renewable energy.

Writing for the NB Media Co-op

RAVEN’s research partner is the NB Media Co-op. RAVEN staff member Amy Floyd writes this week:

“When The Brief first began to circulate, I was just finishing university and living near my family in Sussex, NB. What a breath of fresh air it was to find that little broadsheet at Winter Wood Natural Foods. Other people really did care about the things that I had been studying and it was other New Brunswickers!” Read Amy’s article here.

Eel River Bar First Nation’s adaptation to sea level rise

RAVEN’s Cortney MacDonnell writes for the NB Media Co-op about a project at Eel River Bar First Nation:

“In Ugpi’ganjig, also known as Eel River Bar First Nation, Blueberry Point is predicted to be underwater due to sea level rise by the year 2100. To address future sea level rise, the Gespe’gewaq Mi’gmaq Resource Council is sharing a vision for aquatic resources management that combines Mi’kmaq ecological knowledge as well as scientific research.” Read the full article here.

Permaculture in Bayside, NB

RAVEN’s Amy Floyd writes about a permaculture workshop at Mike Humble’s FoodsGood Farm in Bayside, NB. You can read her story here. Humble explained the basic concepts of permaculture: looking to nature to learn design patterns for our daily life, managing water on land, feeding microbes to build healthy soil, learning from Indigenous earth care methods,  inviting predatory insects to control pests in the garden, working in ergonomic patterns, and using clever hand tools in the gardening.

Restoring Acadian forest on private land

RAVEN’s Cortney MacDonnell’s story this week published in the NB Media Co-op, “New partnership forms for restoring Acadian forest on private land in the Maritimes,” features UNB prof Tom Beckley, a RAVEN friend we have worked with on several activities. You can read Cortney’s story here.

RAVEN at the Environmental Studies Association of Canada conference

Last year the RAVEN team was out in force at the Congress of Humanities and Social Sciences, the biggest academic conference in Canada. This year the Congress was cancelled due to the pandemic… except that of the more than 100 academic groups and associations that meet every year at the Congress, four chose to run their conference virtually. Fortunately for us, one was the Environmental Studies Association of Canada (ESAC) which has been an early adopter of video technology to model how academic work can happen with reduced travel. RAVEN’s Susan O’Donnell was able to do her ESAC presentation today from her home in Fredericton.

Combating environmental racism in Nova Scotia

RAVEN’s Environmental Action Reporter Cortney MacDonnell published her second story for the NB Media Co-op today: “There’s something in the water: meet four women combating environmental racism in Nova Scotia.” Cortney’s story profiles the women who participated in an online panel earlier this month to discuss their work organizing against environmental racism on the spirits, minds, and bodies of Indigenous and African Nova Scotian people. You can read Cortney’s story here.

RAVEN is signatory to letter demanding federal radioactive waste policy

RAVEN is a signatory to a letter from 100 groups across Canada to the federal minister of Natural Resources. The letter expresses our strong support for the development of comprehensive policies and strategies for the long-term management of radioactive waste in Canada that will protect the environment and current and future generations of Canadians. You can read the letter here.

New Brunswick’s tree species and climate change

RAVEN’s new Environmental Action reporter Cortney McDonnell published her first article today with our partner, the NB Media Co-op. Cortney has a background and keen interest in forestry management and for this article she interviewed scientists about the impact of climate change on our acadian forest. You can read Cortney’s article here.

RAVEN joins new CRED-NB Coalition

The RAVEN project today joined with other environmental groups in the province to announce the launch of the new Coalition for Responsible Energy Development in New Brunswick. We are excited to be part of the new Coalition to promote nuclear-free renewable energy in NB! An article about the Coalition was published today by the NB Media Co-op. You can read it here.

Greenprint update meetings

RAVEN team members participated in the second of two meetings to identify what is needed to shift to a low-carbon New Brunswick. The events, organized by the New Brunswick Environmental Network (NBEN), brought together NBEN members to discuss updating the 2010 “Greenprint” publication. In a COVID twist, the events were organized online, including breakout rooms for small-group discussion and post-meeting online surveys, to give everyone an opportunity to participate safely from across the province.

RAVEN 2020 summer students begin work

We’re excited that during this challenging time under COVID-19 we’ve been able to engage four students for the summer, some of whom have continued from the 2020 Winter term:

  • Lauren Korn will be researching and writing articles on different topics for submission to RAVEN project partner, the NB Media Co-op.
  • Hannah Moore is working at the Hayes Urban Teaching Farm in Fredericton and is our new Food Security and Regenerative Farming reporter.
  • Jessica Wall is working on her thesis research on a potential Fresh Food Tax Credit for New Brunswick that could benefit local farmers and food banks.
  • Cortney MacDonnell is our Environmental Action Reporter, working with Tracy Glynn to develop stories, starting with forestry-related themes. Cortney is hired under the UNB Arts 4000 program.

More information about the students and RAVEN team members and partners is on our People page.

RAVEN’s 2020 Cell Phone Music Video Contest

Get your cell phones out and start filming! You can enter the contest if you live in New Brunswick – even if you are not a musician. We have 4 prizes of $1000 for the winning videos plus 4 extra prizes of $500 for videos made by children and youth 15 years and under.

The contest theme is:

Growing a better future

This contest is running parallel to our project on community food security, Growing a Better Future, details here.

Here’s one definition of community food security developed through research and practice: “Community Food Security is a condition in which all community residents obtain a safe, culturally appropriate, nutritionally sound diet through an economically and environmentally sustainable food system that promotes community self-reliance and social justice.” (reference) Note that the focus is on community rather than gardens for individual households (although that’s important too).


  • 10am, August 31, 2020: last date and time to download an application form. The form will be removed after this time. The form is available now from the link below.
  • midnight, August 31, 2020: last date and time to submit your completed application form with the link to your video. We will send a confirmation email when the form is received. No late applications will be considered.

RAVEN contest partners:

This page has links to all the the information you will need to enter the contest.

Important: if you are planning to enter the contest, read the contest guidelines and FAQs first!

For the contest guidelines click here. The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) below on this page are also part of the guidelines.

For the application form, click here. You must use the application form to enter the contest.

The link to the winning videos from the 2019 contest is here.

If you have any questions, read the FAQ below. If you have other questions, email the contest:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and additional guidelines.

Here are some common questions we are expecting and our answers. These form part of the contest guidelines. Check back for more FAQs – we will add them as we receive more questions this year.

Q: I’m using YouTube and cannot make the video password-protected. What should I do? A: Make the video “unlisted” and send the link.

Q: Do I need to write the music? A: We welcome original music. Historical music / songs that are out of copyright can also be used. Sites are available online with music you can use for free without copyright restrictions. Singing songs is fine if you have written the song. Note that the application form includes a statement confirming that the music is not protected by copyright. If you are unsure, do not use it.

Q: Does the music need to have lyrics / words? A: No but words help tell a story and get your message across. A message that inspires or stimulates action is one of the judging criteria.

Q: Does the theme have to be “Growing a better future: community food security in New Brunswick?” A: Yes, it can be anything related to growing a better future and / or community food security in New Brunswick. If you are not sure what it means, google “community food security.”

Q: How are the videos judged? A: Each video will be assigned points by the judges. The information is in the guidelines document.

Q: How do I submit a video, can I email you the video file? A: No, we do not accept video files by email. You will need to put the video online somewhere. If the site you choose permits protecting it with a password, do that. YouTube does not permit password protection – make the YouTube video “unlisted” and include the link. The application form has a place for you to include the link to your video that you have uploaded, and the password if you have one.

Q: Does the person submitting need to be involved with an environmental group? A: The contest is open to all residents of New Brunswick, except members of the RAVEN team and contest partners.

Q: Can it be a video I made already or does it need to be original for the contest? A: We prefer videos that have not already been shared online. If it’s one you made already, you will likely need to edit it to meet the guidelines.

Q: Can I enter the contest more than once? A: The judges will look at only one video per name listed on the application form. If more than one form is submitted by the same person or organization, the last form received will be entered into the contest.

Q: Is it a cash prize? A: The prize will be a cheque issued to the name of the person on the application form. That person (or group) must have a bank or credit union account to cash the cheque. No substitute names will be allowed, so ensure that the correct name is on the form.

Q: Can a video be submitted by a group? A: Yes, however if successful, the cheque for the prize will be made out to the name on the application form. If your group is incorporated and has a bank or credit union account you will be able to cash the cheque. If not, one person will have their name on the application form, the person who will cash the cheque.

Q: What is the maximum length of the video? A: Two minutes, including the opening title slide and the closing credit slide (see the guidelines and judging criteria). Videos longer than two minutes will not be entered into the competition.

Q: Does the editing need to be done with a cell phone? A: The video needs to be shot using a cell phone but the editing can be done using a phone, computer or other device.

If you have any other questions, email the contest:

Maritime Spaces promo video launched!

RAVEN project partner Project Aulnes released a video today promoting the Maritime Spaces project. As we reported earlier, several of the RAVEN project team travelled to Pointe Verte in February to participate in an exciting community development and broadcast project to discuss the re-vitalization of the Belledune region.

In the video, the creators of Espace Maritime mark a pause during the COVID-19 pandemic and offer a reflection on the future of the next generations of northeastern New Brunswick and elsewhere.

“Espace Maritime, Belledune edition was filmed on February 29, a few days before the World Health Organization (WHO) announced at a press conference on March 11, 2020 that we are now facing a global COVID-19 pandemic. Hhow will we build the economy after a crisis of this magnitude?” Watch the video below…


The televised version of Espace Maritime’s stage interviews is available on Rogers TV’s YouTube channel: Special Presentation: Maritime Spaces

A poem by El Jones for Earth Day

Today is Earth Day, the 50th anniversary of a day to celebrate our beautiful planet. El Jones, a spoken word poet based in Halifax, collaborated with RAVEN during our Voices for the Environment Week last year. While she was visiting us in Fredericton, El recorded this poem in the UNB Media Lab. Today our partner, the NB Media Co-op, is publishing a video of El’s dynamic performance. You can watch it here.

More nuclear energy is not a feasible energy solution in NB

The fossil-fuel divestment campaign at UNB is led by Rachel Bensler, a student at Renaissance College. Rachel has written several articles about fossil fuel divestment for our partner, the NB Media Co-op. Now she is looking at nuclear energy as an alternative. Read Rachel’s article here about why she believes it is not a feasible solution.

Nuclear energy not a ‘crutch’ in energy transition

RAVEN’s Hannah Moore is leading the fossil fuel divestment campaign at St. Thomas University. Hannah wrote this article about another energy source that presents a different kind of challenge: nuclear energy. You can read Hannah’s article here, published by RAVEN partner, the NB Media Co-op.

Farmers require urgent support to ensure food security in New Brunswick

RAVEN’s food security analyst Amy Floyd published a story today in the NB Media Co-op. Her story discusses a recent proposal to support farmers in the province to ensure our food supply this year. Amy also highlighted the work of the Food for All food security network which acted quickly after the COVID-19 outbreak to bring groups together to work strategically on the problem. You can read Amy’s story here.

Calling new gardeners in the Nashwaak Valley

Do you want to grow a garden this year but don’t know where to start? Amy Floyd, RAVEN’s lead for the Growing a Better Future initiative is offering advice and support on how to grow your own food. Amy’s project is focused on the Nashwaak Valley.

RAVEN is offering financial support to 20 households to start a small garden. The deadline to apply is May 8, 2020. See the poster for details.

“This place is paradise”

RAVEN’s Amy Floyd wrote an interesting and informative story published today by RAVEN partner, the NB Media Co-op. Amy is leading RAVEN’s initiative, Growing a Better Future that focuses on food security. Her new story describes the new group she formed to support small growers and includes an interview with one of the group members. You can read Amy’s story here.

Woodstock wood producer supports Wolastoqey loggers earning a livelihood

RAVEN’s Tracy Glynn wrote a story published today by RAVEN partner, the NB Media Co-op. Her story includes an interview with a wood producer who supports Wolastoqey loggers. Last month, Tracy wrote a story about the court case brought by Wolastoqey First Nations against the province of New Brunswick for violating treaty right to harvest timber for a moderate livelihood. You can read Tracy’s new story here.

Green shifting education: Letter from NB’s future #20

Raissa Marks re-starts the Letter from New Brunswick’s future series. The series is a collaboration between RAVEN and the NB Media Co-op. You can read Raissa’s letter here. She imagines what could happen to our education system if learning was re-focused on nature and the outdoors. Her letter, from March 2051, explains how we got there, and the work has already started now!

Why grassroots activism is required to change climate policy

RAVEN’s Hannah Moore is leading the St. Thomas University divestment campaign. Today Hannah published a story explaining why divestment campaigns and other activities of grassroots activism are required to stimulate action on the climate crisis. You can read Hannah’s story here.

Wolastoqey First Nations and the treaty right to harvest timber for a moderate livelihood

RAVEN’s Tracy Glynn published a story today in the NB Media Co-op about the suit against the government by six Wolastoqey First Nations for depriving the Wolastoqey people their treaty right to harvest Crown timber in order to earn a moderate livelihood. You can read Tracy’s story here.

Gordon Edwards in New Brunswick: “The nuclear industry is desperate”

RAVEN’s Susan O’Donnell published an article in the NB Media Co-op based on the webinar presentation by Dr. Gordon Edwards. The article discusses Dr. Edwards’ assertion that the nuclear industry is behind the government’s current push to fund and otherwise support the development of small modular nuclear reactors. You can read the article here.

RAVEN is engaged in this issue because the nuclear projects planned for New Brunswick are delaying genuine climate action. They do nothing to address the climate crisis and divert resources and attention to the need to rapidly increase our reliance on renewable energy.

Dr. Gordon Edwards on small modular nuclear reactors [video]

RAVEN was part of a team of New Brunswick groups that hosted a visit by Dr. Gordon Edwards to New Brunswick. On March 13, Dr. Edwards’ scheduled talk was moved to a webinar that was published by the NB Media Co-op. You can view the video here.

RAVEN is engaged in this issue because the nuclear projects planned for New Brunswick are delaying genuine climate action. They do nothing to address the climate crisis and divert resources and attention to the need to rapidly increase our reliance on renewable energy.

Dr. Gordon Edwards in NB to talk about nuclear energy

RAVEN is collaborating with partner groups to bring Gordon Edwards to New Brunswick. Dr. Gordon Edwards is president of the Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility. See the RAVEN event page for more information.

He spoke in Saint John on March 12 and his Fredericton event on March 13 was changed to a webinar. The video of the webinar was published by RAVEN partner, the NB Media Co-op. It can be accessed here.

Small Modular Nuclear Reactors : not small, not green, not clean, not affordable

The government of New Brunswick is encouraging us to believe that nuclear power is safe, clean and green, even while the nuclear industry is in a state of decline.

The government is following the advice of a handful of private entrepreneurs and setting the stage for what they hope will be the big economic miracle of 2020: tens of millions in federal funding to top the $10 million already invested by the province to transform New Brunswick into a booming and prosperous Nuclear Energy powerhouse for the entire world.

What are the risks of developing Small Modular Nuclear Reactors in New Brunswick?

Gordon Edwards, Canadian scientist and nuclear consultant, co-founded the Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility, and has been its president since 1978. He has worked widely as a consultant on nuclear issues and has been qualified as a nuclear expert by courts in Canada and elsewhere.

Dr. Edwards has worked as consultant for governmental bodies such as the Auditor General of Canada, the Select Committee on Ontario Hydro Affairs, and the Ontario Royal Commission on Electric Power Planning. In 2006, Edwards received the Nuclear-Free Future Award. He has also been awarded the Rosalie Bertell Lifetime Achievement Award and the YMCA Peacemaker Medallion.

Sponsors: the RAVEN project at the University of New Brunswick Fredericton, Council of Canadians Fredericton, Sustainable Energy Group Carleton County, Council of Canadians Saint John, Urban and Community Studies Institute at the University of New Brunswick Saint John, Sisters of Charity Saint John, NB Media Co-op.

The power of storytelling

RAVEN’s Casey Burkholder and Susan O’Donnell, along with friends from the UNB Faculty of Education participated in the NBEN Sustainability Education Alliance workshop today, Narrative Change. Thank you NBEN for another opportunity to network and learn!

SEA coordinator Tzomi Burkhart and RAVEN’s Susan O’Donnell wrote a story about the event for the NB Media Co-op. You can read the story here.

Ending toxic relationships at universities

RAVEN’s Hannah Moore is leading the St. Thomas University fossil fuel divestment campaign. Today Hannah published an article explaining why universities’ investments in fossil fuels are toxic and what it means to shift to a more healthy relationship. You can read Hannah’s article here.

RAVEN at Espace Maritime Spaces

Writing this from Beresford on the Baie des Chaleurs, looking forward to tomorrow morning and the start of the Espaces Maritime Spaces event, Belledune edition, with our RAVEN partner Projet Aulnes. RAVEN’s Tracy Glynn, Susan O’Donnell and Amy Floyd will be participating. After a day of workshops, the broadcast show will be produced in the evening and feature a range of topics, including the RAVEN project.

Fossil fuel divestment booklet presented at UNB Board of Governors meeting

RAVEN’s Rachel Bensler is leading the UNB divestment campaign. She has produced a booklet “A Guide to the Orange Square” with information about fossil fuel divestment and wearing the orange square. The campaign is supported by RAVEN, the UNB Students Union and the UGSW – union of graduate student workers.

The booklet was presented at the UNB Board of Governors meeting on Feb. 20 by the Board investments committee. The committee is in ongoing dialogue with Rachel and the divestment campaign about how to engage with fossil fuel divestment while being fiscally responsible.

UNB graduate student workers support fossil-fuel divestment

The Union of Graduate Student Workers (UGSW), local 60550 of the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) represents University of New Brunswick graduate students who work as teaching and research assistants at UNB. Today the UGSC confirmed it is supporting the UNB fossil-fuel divestment campaign. The UGSW logo will be included in the February information booklet. Thank you for your support!

RAVEN team meeting – February 2020

The February RAVEN meeting included a review of all the current activities we’re engaged in. Upcoming is the the Maritime Spaces / Espace Maritime production with the Belledune community in partnership with Projet Aulnes/ the Aulnes Project, the divestment campaigns at UNB and STU, academic publications, events planned for March and April, and much more. The meeting minutes are here.

Policing Indigenous rights activists

RAVEN partner Sophie Lavoie with the NB Media Co-op wrote a story about the presentation by Miles Howe in Fredericton. The event was hosted by the NB Media Co-op and RAVEN.

Howe was at the Elsipogtog protest site during the struggle against shale gas. He became curious about the methodology behind Project SITKA’s investigations and decided to research it. At the presentation Howe shared the results of his findings. The RCMP were looking for a “pan-national Indigenous rights movement” but they found no links.

You can read Sophie’s story here.

Manufacturing consent for an extractive regime in rural NB

RAVEN’s first academic article was published this week, in the Journal of Rural and Community Development. The article: “Manufacturing Consent for an Extractive Regime in Rural New Brunswick, Canada” was written by RAVEN’s Mary Aspinall, Susan O’Donnell, Tracy Glynn and RAVEN friend Tom Beckley, all from the University of New Brunswick.

Stay tuned for some stories about the new article that we’ll write for RAVEN partner, the NB Media Co-op. In the meantime, you can read the abstract and article online here.

RAVEN team meeting – January 2020

The first RAVEN meeting of 2020 included several new team members. The minutes briefly outline the activities in development over the next weeks and months. These include the Maritime Spaces / Espace Maritime production with the Belledune community in partnership with Projet Aulnes/ the Aulnes Project, and a possible future production with Eel River Bar First Nation, updates on the Growing a Better Future initiative and on the expanded university divestment team including St. Thomas University, plans for another Poetry for the Climate Crisis event, and activities around Earth Day. The meeting minutes are here.

Rural New Brunswickers talk about home through photovoice

RAVEN’s work with photovoice is led by researcher Tracy Glynn. In this new story published by the NB Media Co-op, Tracy presents the photo stories of rural residents Beth Nixon, Stephanie Coburn, Teri McMackin, Cheryl Johnson, Deborah Carr and Rick Roth. Check out the stories and photographs here.

Deforestation under-reported

RAVEN’s Tracy Glynn wrote a story for our partner the NB Media Co-op about a new report with alarming information about deforestation in Canada. Logging roads and forestry operation landings involve considerable deforestation in themselves however roads and landings are not included in the national calculations of deforestation. In fact, the amount reported is only a fraction of the actual total. The report was published by the Wildlands League and Tracy’s story includes input from the NB-based Community Forests International. You can read the story here.

Moving forward on rural community food security in New Brunswick

This has been an exciting week for the RAVEN team, with new staff and collaborators joining the project, a new initiative started, and the launch of the 2020 cell phone music video contest. Joining these activities is a new article by RAVEN friend Brian Beaton, published by our partner, the NB Media Co-op. You can read Brian’s article, Moving forward on rural community food security in New Brunswick, here.

RAVEN’s Growing a Better Future initiative launched!

Today RAVEN launched its Growing a Better Future initiative with a meeting at the Greener Village in Fredericton. At the meeting, the RAVEN team was joined by representatives from more than a dozen groups and organizations involved in community and rural food security. By the end of the meeting we had consensus on a way to move forward on an initial action. RAVEN will be working with Greener Village and other collaborators on that first step. Stay tuned to the RAVEN project website and Facebook page, and the RAVEN Friends Facebook page for updates! Here’s the link to the Growing a Better Future initiative page.

New RAVEN team members

The RAVEN project (Rural Action and Voices for the Environment) is pleased to welcome new team members in January 2020.

New students:

  • Hannah Moore, fourth year Environment & Society major at St. Thomas University.
  • Jessica Wall, Candidate, UNB Masters in Applied Health Research program.
  • Lauren Korn, Masters candidate, UNB English (Creative Writing). Lauren also worked with us in the Summer 2019 term.

New staff and collaborators:

  • Amy Floyd, Senior Policy Analyst – Community Food Security, RAVEN staff and collaborator.
  • Dr. Janice Harvey, Coordinator & Assistant Professor, Environment & Society Program, St. Thomas University, RAVEN co-investigator.

New partner:

Stay tuned in January for news about what we get up to together! Visit our website for the complete RAVEN team list:

Welcome, and happy new year everyone!

RAVEN and Maritime Spaces / Espace Maritime

RAVEN’s partner the Aulnes Projects is a community development cooperative in Pointe-Verte on the Baie des Chaleurs near Belledune. We are collaborating on their new project, Maritime Spaces, with the first show scheduled for February 28-29. From the website:

Maritime Spaces
Maritime Spaces, a road show program, offers discussions in formulas that are outside the box for a sustainable and clean future in New Brunswick. The topics covered are under the three themes dear to Aulnes Projects: sustainable socio-economic development, preservation of the environment and social justice.

The first edition of this Maritime Spaces program will focus on a collaborative project taking place in the Belledune region. Components of this project will explain how they are using research, arts and environmental sustainability education to promote sustainable communities and healthy environments, even in a region marked by heavy industry.

RAVEN team meeting – December 2019

Our final RAVEN team meeting of the year included a round-up of activities we’re currently involved in and plans for the new year. We will have new people starting in January with the project: Amy Floyd and Jessica Wall on the new community food security project, and Janice Harvey and Hannah Moore to work on the divestment campaign and other activities. You can read the minutes here.

Glyphosate debated in the NB Legislature

Opposition to spraying glyphosate on Crown (public) lands and under power lines is the largest environmental movement in New Brunswick at this time. Today the NB Legislature debated banning the practice of spraying poison on public lands. The proposal was defeated. You can read the article here by RAVEN’s Susan O’Donnell, published in the NB Media Co-op.

A call for the University of New Brunswick to show leadership

RAVEN’s Rachel Bensler is leading the Fossil-Free UNB campaign. Today she published an article in the NB Media Co-op, RAVEN’s research partner, calling for the University to show leadership and divest from fossil fuels. You can read Rachel’s article here.

Visit to South Knowlesville

Friends of RAVEN Amy Floyd and Leyland Wong-Daugherty organized a learning event in the South Knowlesville community today. The visit began with a pot-luck followed by a sharing circle at the Knowlesville Art and Nature Centre. Visitors to the community, including from the RAVEN project, learned about the history of the South Knowlesville Community Land Trust, the legal options for forming community land trusts, and the experiences of community members in intentional communities in a rural environment.

We also visited the off-grid straw bale round house in the community, and the ARK – Arts Republic of Knowlesville, located in an old farmhouse undergoing a retrofit with straw bale insulation.

On the first weekend of June, South Knowlesville is the site of the Praxis festival, a Permaculture-Inspired Art Festival. Praxis and South Knowlesville are also involved in an ongoing RAVEN project to produce a video about rural activism and rural environmental projects in New Brunswick.

Thank you to the South Knowlesville community for hosting the visitors today!

Climate action: update

RAVEN’s Rachel Bensler, who is leading the Fossil-Free UNB campaign, was invited to speak at the Nov. 29 climate strike outside the NB Legislature in Fredericton. Susan O’Donnell’s story about the rally and the lack of political action inside the legislature was published by RAVEN partner, the NB Media Co-op. You can read the story here.

RAVEN at OURMedia conference in Brussels

RAVEN’s Tracy Glynn made a presentation today at the OURMedia conference in Brussels. Tracy’s presentation, “Biting the hand that feeds: Media Co-operatives challenge corporate control” told the international conference participants about the NB Media Co-op and its partnership with the RAVEN project, and how the NB Media Co-op has survived to celebrate its 10th anniversary this year.

RAVEN is very pleased to be represented at the OURMedia conference. The OURMedia gatherings bring together scholars and activists who are studying and making cooperative and independent media, often in difficult political environments and certainly in challenging economic circumstances. Click here for the conference program.


“Race-shifters” are white people with no or a small amount of Indigenous ancestry who identify as Indigenous. Author Darryl Leroux has been exploring the race-shifting phenomenon for more than two decades. RAVEN’s Susan O’Donnell wrote a story for the NB Media Co-op about the social scientist’s book launch in Fredericton. The article includes information on the groups across Canada claiming to have Indigenous rights, including the five active organizations in rural New Brunswick. You can read the article here.

Action on glyphosate spraying

RAVEN’s Susan O’Donnell published a story today about the new bill introduced in the NB Legislature to end the practice of spraying the poison glyphosate on Crown lands and waters. The bill also provides for a fair deal for private woodlot owners that will contribute to more sustainable development in rural communities in the province. You can read the story here, published by RAVEN partner, the NB Media Co-op.

RAVEN at Eco-Confluence event

RAVEN is a member of the New Brunswick Environmental Network (NBEN), which is having its annual conference and AGM today. At the event, Eco-Confluence 2019, RAVEN’s Rachel Bensler presented an update of the Fossil Free UNB campaign and Susan O’Donnell led a workshop: “Sharing our environmental stories: Media cooperatives in New Brunswick.” The workshop featured a presentation by RAVEN partner, Projet Aulnes about their video co-operative and new project, Maritime Spaces.

The flip to low-carbon mobility – A letter from New Brunswick’s future #19

Matthew Hayes writes the latest letter from the future NB published today. Matthew’s letter is focused on the transit system in Fredericton and offers practical solutions to build a better public transit system based on a decrease in personal vehicle ownership. You can read his article here.