The Land Access Guide for New Brunswick Farmers is a co-production of the Young Agrarians and RAVEN, coordinated and produced by Amy Floyd, RAVEN’s senior policy advisor on food security.
The RAVEN project is pleased to make this guide available for download, HERE.
The guide shares general information about land access and tenure to help new farmers navigate the various options and requirements.
The guide includes practical information about farming in New Brunswick, developing a business plan, finding land, and assessing a site for agricultural suitability.
The guide also discusses different options for land access and presents five case studies with farmers using different models of land access and use.
Finally, the guide includes lease templates that were reviewed for RAVEN in September 2021 by the law firm McInnis Cooper, to ensure that they fit New Brunswick property law provisions.
Information in the guide is not meant to take the place of legal or professional advice or to provide documents that will be legally binding.
We hope a wide range of people will find the guide helpful in supporting their dreams and shaping their plans to be farmers in New Brunswick.
Download the guide HERE.
Read the story launching the guide, in the NB Media Co-op, HERE.