The March RAVEN team meeting today included a review of all the current activities we’re engaged in. Most of the discussion focused on the Growing a Better Future food security / food sovereignty project and our new student Cortney McDonnell’s work, supervised by Tracy Glynn. Read the meeting minutes here.
Category: Meeting minutes
Minutes of the RAVEN meetings
RAVEN team meeting – April 2020
Our April meeting scheduled for today was cancelled as most of faculty and students were busy re-organizing schedules and lives because of the UNB closure and pandemic. We did collect some updates, here.
RAVEN team meeting – March 2020
The March RAVEN team meeting today included a review of all the current activities we’re engaged in. Several of our planned upcoming events are postponed because of the current COVID-19 restriction on holding large meetings. However there’s still lots going on with RAVEN. Read the meeting minutes here.
RAVEN team meeting – February 2020
The February RAVEN meeting included a review of all the current activities we’re engaged in. Upcoming is the the Maritime Spaces / Espace Maritime production with the Belledune community in partnership with Projet Aulnes/ the Aulnes Project, the divestment campaigns at UNB and STU, academic publications, events planned for March and April, and much more. The meeting minutes are here.
RAVEN team meeting – January 2020
The first RAVEN meeting of 2020 included several new team members. The minutes briefly outline the activities in development over the next weeks and months. These include the Maritime Spaces / Espace Maritime production with the Belledune community in partnership with Projet Aulnes/ the Aulnes Project, and a possible future production with Eel River Bar First Nation, updates on the Growing a Better Future initiative and on the expanded university divestment team including St. Thomas University, plans for another Poetry for the Climate Crisis event, and activities around Earth Day. The meeting minutes are here.
RAVEN team meeting – December 2019
Our final RAVEN team meeting of the year included a round-up of activities we’re currently involved in and plans for the new year. We will have new people starting in January with the project: Amy Floyd and Jessica Wall on the new community food security project, and Janice Harvey and Hannah Moore to work on the divestment campaign and other activities. You can read the minutes here.
RAVEN team meeting – November 2019
Busy day for many of our team members today however enough of us met to share info on all our goings-on. The meeting minutes are here. They include updates on the Fossil-Free UNB campaign as well as the RAVEN video and other projects and partners.
RAVEN team meeting – October 2019
Today the RAVEN team met to hear from NB Media Co-op partner representative Sophie Lavoie about her experience participating in the Wabanaki Land-Based Learning course and the opportunities for working together with First Nations in that region of the province. We also reviewed the success of the RAVEN Voices for the Environment Week events. You can read the meeting minutes here.
RAVEN team meeting – September 2019
The main item on the RAVEN team meeting agenda this month was the upcoming RAVEN Voices for the Environment Week events. We discussed some logistical issues. RAVEN’s first academic paper was accepted. You can read the meeting minutes here.
RAVEN team meeting – August 2019
The RAVEN team met today. On the agenda were current and future activities with a focus on the RAVEN Summer Institute outcomes. Also discussed was an update on RAVEN’s support for the UNB fossil fuel divestment campaign. You can read the minutes here.
RAVEN team meeting – June 2019
The RAVEN team met today, the minutes are here. We discussed our individual and group work and community engagement efforts, and the articles we are working on for publication by our partner the NB Media Co-op. Our meeting followed a short workshop on making cell phone videos by Casey Burkholder.
RAVEN team meeting – May 2019
The RAVEN team met today. The agenda included introducing the (wonderful!) new and returning students for the summer (listed on the people page) and discussing the ongoing engagements with rural communities in New Brunswick. The minutes are here. Following the meeting we welcomed RAVEN friends who arrived to participate in the presentation about the “buzz” phase of resource extraction, by visiting researcher Marieka Sax from the University of Northern British Columbia.
RAVEN team meeting – April 2019
The focus of the RAVEN team meeting today was the upcoming RAVEN Earth Week events in the last week of April. We reviewed the planned activities and resolved final details. We also reviewed the progress of the different studies underway with the Winter term students, and plans for the Summer term students, including the RAVEN Summer Institute. The meeting minutes are here.
RAVEN team meeting – March 2019
The RAVEN team met today. The agenda included discussing ideas for working on a Belledune project with NBEN collaborators, Productions Aulnes, and the ECHO project team at Université de Moncton. We also clarified plans for the RAVEN Earth Week events at the end of April. The meeting minutes are here.
RAVEN team meeting – February 2019
The RAVEN team met today, again by zoom. Most of the discussion focused on updates by the RAVEN students about their work on various studies and projects, including research on a paper about media activism, a survey with partner CSRNO, the position paper on a Just Transition to a Green Economy for Rural New Brunswick, and videos produced with the NB Media Co-op. We gave everyone an update on the abstracts accepted for presentation at the Congress of Humanities and Social Sciences in Vancouver in June. We also discussed the preliminary plans for RAVEN’s Earth Week events April 23-27. The meeting minutes can be accessed here.
RAVEN team meeting – January 2019
The team had agreed, following frequent snowstorms in late 2018, to meet virtually by zoom for the 2019 Winter term. Our first meeting, on January 29, brought together most of the new students that started earlier this month. The discussion focused on the RAVEN projects they are working on and plans for papers and presentations at upcoming academic conferences. The meeting agenda and minutes can be accessed here.
RAVEN team meeting – November 2018
The minutes for the RAVEN team meeting can be accessed here. One of the main topics on the agenda was preparing the research ethics amendment for the project to cover the additional work funded by the New Brunswick Innovation Foundation. We also discussed initial plans for RAVEN team members, including graduate students, to attend the Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver in June 2019. RAVEN funds can subsidize students and staff making presentations at the event.
RAVEN team meeting – October 2018
The minutes of the October team meeting can be accessed here. On the agenda again was discussion of the feedback received by the RAVEN team at the Rural Issues Workshop in September. The feedback document can be accessed here. We also discussed the plans to start several studies and how this could be organized.
RAVEN team meeting – September 2018
We held a team meeting on Sept. 25. You can read the agenda and minutes here. On the agenda of this and subsequent meetings is discussion of the feedback RAVEN received from its paper presentation at the UNB Rural Issues Workshop following the project launch earlier in September. You can read our feedback document here. We also discussed the composition of the team and where the expertise gaps were, and how we could address them.
RAVEN team meeting – August 2018
The RAVEN team had its first meeting on August 28 at the University of New Brunswick in Fredericton. You can access the meeting agenda and minutes here. The main discussion topics were the plans and budget for the project over the next year. Most of the RAVEN funding is spent on student salaries, because research training is a primary focus for all projects funded by SSHRC. We also discussed our ongoing efforts to secure an office space for RAVEN.