A description of the writing contest was published by the NB Media Co-op, HERE.
Instructions for the Rural Voices for the Environment Writing Contest 2021
Eligibility Rules:
- Writers should be from, studying, or residing in New Brunswick, with a plan to stay here for the foreseeable future.
- Submissions must contain some aspect of life and/ or environment in rural New Brunswick. Non-related articles will be disqualified. Feel free to send a paragraph long summary if you want to be sure your topic fits the criteria.
- All submissions require a photo. The photo must have a source credit. We only accept photos to which you have usage rights or are free for publication.
- There are no age eligibility criteria, but stories will be judged at an adult writing level. If you are a young person (13-25 years old), you may also be interested in contributing to Raven’s Voices from New Brunswick’s Future series about climate change solutions. https://raven-research.org/voices-from-new-brunswicks-future-call-for-young-writers/
How to get started:
- The contest opens June 7, 2021
- Register and let us know that you are interested in participating so we can send contest updates and reminders. You may register by emailing your name and an alternate method of contact (phone or other email) to amy@raven-research.org.
- Stories can either be journalistic articles or told in narrative/ essay form.
- There is an option to use Photo Voice as your story telling method. You can find examples at https://nbmediacoop.org/2020/01/21/rural-new-brunswickers-talk-about-home-through-photovoice/.
- Max length is 1,500 words. You may email a request to do a multi-part submission. Please wait until you have received a response to start, as not all stories are appropriate for this format.
Publishing details:
- All stories can potentially be published through the NB Media Co-op, including those that are not prize winners. These stories may require an additional work through between yourself and an NB Media Co-op Editor.
- Editors can make changes for clarity and readability. You will have the ability to see the final draft before it is published.
- You can opt out of the contest at any time.
- Although your work may be published, you will retain the intellectual property rights for your work.
- Deadline for submissions is midnight, Tuesday, November 30th. Final submissions should be emailed to amy@raven-research.org.
Draft stories will be short-listed by Raven Project staff. Short-listed stories will be judged by a panel of New Brunswick environmentalists and writers.
Contest results will be announced on Friday, December 10th with stories to be published in the following weeks. All writers to make a submission will get this information through the email that they registered with.
Information on publishing through the NB Media Co-op:
Information on style guidelines: https://nbmediacoop.org/share-a-story/#format-article
Please email with any questions amy@raven-research.org.
Best of luck, we look forward to hearing your stories.