- April 24, online webinar, noon: Presentation of the winning videos of RAVEN’s Cell Phone Music Video Contest!
- Thank you to everyone who participated in the webinar. Click here to see the winning videos.
- The 2019 contest coordinator was Shanthi Bell. Thank you Shanthi!
On this page are the details about the 2019 contest: the contest partners, the contest judges, the scoring process, and a link to all the contest documentation.
Contest partners:
- Sustainability Education Alliance
- NB Media Co-op
- NB Film Co-op
- JEDI – Joint Economic Development Initiative
Contest judges:
- Casey Burkholder, Faculty of Education, University of New Brunswick
- Marie Maltais, Art Centre, University of New Brunswick
- Amy Floyd, Conservation Council of New Brunswick
Scoring process:
- 0-5 points each for: content, technical challenge, creativity
- 1 bonus point each for: funny, rural NB scenes, different cultures and languages, Indigenous perspectives, under-represented communities
The cell phone music video contest documentation is here.