Recruiting storytellers for rural social justice

The RAVEN research team at the University of New Brunswick wants to collaborate with rural champions working on land, water and air protection; clean and renewable energy; regenerative farming; and sustainable forestry and fishing. We are looking for rural New Brunswickers who are interested in telling the stories of their communities as part of a research and media production project. As a participant, you will receive training on creating and editing photographs, cellphilms and/or video; learn how to tell effective stories about your communities; have your media showcased on the websites of the NB Media Co-op and RAVEN, Youtube and on social media; and have opportunities to collaborate with rural advocates and media-makers from across New Brunswick. For more information, contact:

Making videos of rural voices

The NB Media Co-op will be producing a series of videos with land defenders, woodlot owners, farmers and rural champions, in collaboration with RAVEN. Want to go on camera and highlight your work on making rural New Brunswick a thriving place to live? If yes, the NB Media Co-op can work with RAVEN to produce a video at the UNB Media Lab in Fredericton. Contact us:

RAVEN team meeting – September 2018

We held a team meeting on Sept. 25. You can read the agenda and minutes here. On the agenda of this and subsequent meetings is discussion of the feedback RAVEN received from its paper presentation at the UNB Rural Issues Workshop following the project launch earlier in September. You can read our feedback document here. We also discussed the composition of the team and where the expertise gaps were, and how we could address them.

RAVEN featured in UNB news

The UNB news blog featured our RAVEN project today. Quotes from RAVEN partners:

“The NBMC looks forward to its collaboration with this project, which will certainly have a great impact on the production and dissemination of news stories on and about rural communities in our province,” says Sophie M. Lavoie of the NBMC Editorial Board.

“The goal is to create and share media relating to those residing in rural communities,” says Lynn Poole-Hughes, CEO of JEDI. “The content developed aims to shed light on the challenges, successes and everyday life of those whose voices are not typically heard. Some of the voices will be Indigenous Peoples. JEDI is proud to partner on and support this initiative. We are certain that Dr. O’Donnell will do great work in realizing her project’s goals.”

[Note: we’re looking forward as well to working with the NBMC and JEDI!]

The full blog is here.

RAVEN: Alternative digital media in New Brunswick

After the RAVEN launch, members of the RAVEN team presented a paper at the first UNB Rural Issues Workshop of the academic year. Our paper, “Rural Action and Voices for the Environment: Alternative Digital Media in New Brunswick” can be accessed here. The co-authors are Susan O’Donnell, Tracy Glynn and David Perley. We intend to develop this paper into a longer publication in future.

The RAVEN team received many thoughtful comments about and critiques of our paper, as well as feedback by email after the workshop. The team will be discussing the feedback at their September meeting with a view to refining and improving their project plans. Thanks to everyone who participated in the launch and provided feedback at the workshop!

RAVEN is launched!

Almost 60 people participated in the RAVEN launch event on September 13. RAVEN team members, our project partners JEDI and NBMC, Indigenous and rural champions and collaborators, as well as researchers from Université de Moncton and Dalhousie University, spoke during the event. The food table included traditional bannock from St. Mary’s First Nation and fresh produce from the Hayes Urban Teaching Farm.

The RAVEN launch was part of the Rural Issues Workshop series hosted by Daniel Tubb (UNB Anthropology and RAVEN co-investigator) and Tom Beckley (UNB Forestry and Environmental Management). Tom was also the discussant for the paper we presented at the workshop.

Thanks to everyone who participated in the launch! Speakers included…

Wolastoq Grand Council Chief Ron Tremblay who opened the launch event,

Edee Klee, New Brunswick Community Harvest Gardens,

Raissa Marks, NB Environmental Network; Rick Doucett, NB Federation of Woodlot Owners; Shawn McGrath, YSC Forest Products Marketing Board,

and David Perley, UNB Mi’kmaq-Wolastoqey Centre, RAVEN collaborator.

The RAVEN launch poster designed by Shanthi Bell.

RAVEN team meeting – August 2018

The RAVEN team had its first meeting on August 28 at the University of New Brunswick in Fredericton. You can access the meeting agenda and minutes here. The main discussion topics were the plans and budget for the project over the next year. Most of the RAVEN funding is spent on student salaries, because research training is a primary focus for all projects funded by SSHRC. We also discussed our ongoing efforts to secure an office space for RAVEN.

RAVEN staff hired

RAVEN’s first staff member, Tracy Glynn, began work today. Tracy is a doctoral candidate in the UNB Interdisciplinary Studies program. We are pleased to have her on the project. Tracy is an expert on photovoice and has extensive experience in the environmental movement in New Brunswick. Tracy will be working part-time during the summer to speak with social justice and environmental groups in the province and share information about the RAVEN project. We are starting to build the RAVEN network. Welcome Tracy!

RAVEN project announced at Congress 2018 in Regina

RAVEN principal investigator Susan O’Donnell chaired the panel session “Journalism, Protest, and Public Opinion” at the Canadian Communication Association (CCA) annual conference at the University of Regina on May 31. As part of her panel presentation: “Indigenous Resistance to Resource Extraction in New Brunswick’s Monopoly News Environment,” Susan announced the RAVEN project due to start the following week.

You can download Susan’s slides for her 2018 CCA presentation here.

RAVEN’s journey begins

The RAVEN project received funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council from 2018 until 2022, with partner the NB Media Co-op. Thank you SSHRC! The funding will allow us to build capacity for alternative digital media production and distribution by rural champions. Based at the University of New Brunswick in Fredericton, the new team will formally launch RAVEN in September 2018.