We partnered with the Conservation Council of New Brunswick and the NB Media Co-op to write a story about the student climate strike outside the Legislature building on May 10. RAVEN team members have been present at all three climate strikes to date and we will continue to show our support for the youth going forward. Their actions and words inspire us!
Author: Susan O'Donnell
RAVEN at Qualitatives 2019 conference
Mary Aspinall, who worked as a graduate student research assistant with RAVEN in the fall 2018 term, presented at the Qualitatives 2019 conference in Fredericton today. Mary’s presentation, Looking for the Invisible: Analyzing Latent Content in the News Media, is based on a study conducted with a RAVEN team to analyze Brunswick News editorials focused on rural issues.
The Qualitatives presentation focused on an interesting methodological question: how do you analyze content that does not exist? We found in our study that the editorials had no mentions of environmental degradation and downsides of resource extraction, and only a cursory, negative mention of Indigenous communities, which we would have expected to find. The paper on which the study is based is currently in peer-review.
Video: The People vs The Irving Empire
The People’s Mayday rally in Saint John sparked the creation of a 5-minute video, The People vs the Irving Dynasty, about their action in the port city last week. The video was produced by Max Media, edited by Jon Pederson, and supported by the NB Media Co-op and RAVEN.
Read the article and link to the video on the NB Media Co-op page.
Climate emergency vs profits for industry
The provincial government has the power and the responsibility to act on the climate crisis. The IPCC and the UN are urging the world’s government to take immediate action. RAVEN’s Susan O’Donnell wrote a story about the situation in the Legislative Assembly in New Brunswick. It’s not a good story. Our premier is not sure how much of climate change is based on human activity and believes that industry should be leading the innovations required for a cleaner environment. Read the story here.
Celebrating Indigenous teachings at UNB
David Perley, a collaborator on the RAVEN project, has been moving the University of New Brunswick toward a more respectful approach to Indigenous education in the province. Today RAVEN and our partner, the NB Media Co-op, published an article about how David and his wife, UNB Elder-in residence Imelda Perley, have made a difference during their time at the university. David retires in June and Imelda retired in April.
Read the article by RAVEN’s Susan O’Donnell and Brian Beaton, Celebrating Indigenous teachings at UNB with David and Imelda Perley. David also collaborated with RAVEN’s Tracy Glynn, Shanthi Bell, Rodrigo Hermelo and the UNB Media Lab to create several new videos for the project, also published by the NB Media Co-op site, including this one related to the article on Indigenous university education:
Establishing a healthy community in rural New Brunswick
In this video made by the RAVEN project, David Perley, director of the Mi’kmaq-Wolastoqey Centre at the University of New Brunswick and RAVEN collaborator, speaks about what it will take to ensure that rural communities, including his home community of Tobique First Nation, are healthy and sustainable. You can watch the video from this page.
RAVEN 2019 Summer Institute
May 6 is the start of the 2019 RAVEN Summer Institute (SI) that will be held in the Education building at the University of New Brunswick in Fredericton and branching out to rural areas across the province. The purpose is to explore how we can use alternative media to engage hearts and minds and support action on environmental issues in rural New Brunswick.
For the first six weeks, we will be focusing on written news, including producing written news stories and investigative reports about rural New Brunswick, with RAVEN partner the NB Media Co-op. Stay tuned for updates and visit our People page to see who’s involved from the RAVEN team. We also have invited guests who are friends of the RAVEN project.
RAVEN on Facebook
We post regular project updates on our RAVEN Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/RAVENUNB/
Our *new* RAVEN friends group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/994336474290377) is where we will share not only the RAVEN project updates but also news from Canada and other countries about environmental issues of interest to activists in New Brunswick. If you like our RAVEN friends group page, you’ll see the posts in your news feed. Every friend of RAVEN is welcome to post to this group.
RAVEN 2019 video contest winners
The RAVEN 2019 cell phone music video contest theme was “Moving NB to a Green Economy.” Click here for the 2019 contest details, including the partners and judges. On this page are the five winning videos that each won $1,000, and the runner up, followed by a video discussion with the artists. The RAVEN project will be running the contest again in 2020: stay tuned!
Winning videos
Winner, Title: Burning. Music: Anne Hedonia. Videographer: Bre Darlison, Dorchester.
Winner, Title: Green Dream, Artist: Leland Wong-Daugherty and Michael, Knowlesville
Winner, Title: Every Step You Take Makes a Difference: NB Green Economy. Artist: Celtic Kin Canada, Fredericton
Winner, Title: Thrive, Artist: Ryleigh Hatch, Harvey
Winner, Title: The Water’s Rising, Artist: Brendan Green, East Brighton
Runner up, Title: Eraser Karaoke, Artist: Jon Pederson, Fredericton
Rail safety and rural community security
Starting in May, the RAVEN project will start a new study of rail safety and rural community security in New Brunswick. This project was prompted by discussions with Bruce Campbell during his tour of New Brunswick as part of RAVEN’s Earth Week events. The study fits into our RAVEN theme: sustainable rural communities and infrastructure.
The NB Media Co-op published two articles related to Bruce’s tour:
- The Lac-Mégantic rail disaster’s fallout, by Sophie M. Lavoie, the NB Media Co-op partner on the RAVEN project.
- The Lac-Mégantic disaster, New Brunswick, and Irving companies: an interview with Bruce Campbell, by RAVEN’s Susan O’Donnell.
RAVEN at Mayworks festival

RAVEN is a partner with the Mayworks Festival of Working People and the Arts. Our event on April 24, 7pm, with Bruce Campbell and Len Falkenstein is the opening act of Mayworks! Partners for that event also include the NB Media Co-op, Council of Canadians, Westminster Books and the Fredericton Public Library.
This event is in Fredericton. RAVEN is also hosting events in Edmundston, Saint John and online. Check out the full RAVEN Earth Week calendar.
RAVEN team meeting – April 2019
The focus of the RAVEN team meeting today was the upcoming RAVEN Earth Week events in the last week of April. We reviewed the planned activities and resolved final details. We also reviewed the progress of the different studies underway with the Winter term students, and plans for the Summer term students, including the RAVEN Summer Institute. The meeting minutes are here.
RAVEN Earth Week 2019!
Earth Day was April 22. The RAVEN project has lined up a series of events later this week in Edmundston, Fredericton, Saint John and online. Our partners include the NB Media Co-op, Mayworks Festival, Council of Canadians Fredericton and Saint John, the Saint John Free Public Library, the Fredericton Public Library, Westminster Books and others. Hope you can join us!
- April 23, Edmundston, public discussion and book launch, 4pm
- April 24, online, music video contest winners, noon
- April 24, Fredericton, book launch, play reading, public discussion, 7pm
- April 25, Fredericton, RAVEN research panel, 1pm
- April 25, online, presentation and public discussion, 5pm
- April 26, Saint John, book launch and public discussion, 3pm
- April 27, Saint John, March for Tomorrow’s Jobs, 1pm
March for Tomorrow’s Jobs: April 27
Climate • Jobs • Justice – Mark the date: Saturday, April 27, 2019 in Saint John, a solidarity March for Tomorrow’s Jobs with RAVEN and partner environmental and labour groups. Meet at King’s Square, Saint John, 1pm. Partners:
- RAVEN (Rural Action and Voices for the Environment)
- NB Federation of Labour
- Conservation Council of New Brunswick
- Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) Atlantic
- Red Head Anthony’s Cove Preservation Association
- Sustainable Energy Group, Carleton County

From the poster: “Why march on April 27? Like other New Brunswickers, we love our province and believe investing in a low-carbon economy is the path forward for our economy. The Green Economy Network calculated that New Brunswick could create almost 25,000 person-years of employment over five years. Strategic investments — in energy efficiency and conservation, renewable energy and public transit, and a just transition for workers — would provide skilled jobs that cannot be relocated to other jurisdictions, laying a strong foundation for continued growth and prosperity here in the province.“
Stay tuned for other events during RAVEN’s Earth Week, April 23-27, 2019. See the full schedule here.
RAVEN Earth Week events: April 26
- April 26, Saint John, 3pm: Free Public Library, Central Branch Bruce Campbell book launch, The Lac Mégantic Rail Disaster: Public Betrayal, Justice Denied, (details here), followed by a public discussion on: Rail transport and safety for jobs, communities and the environment.
- RAVEN partners for this event: the NB Media Co-op, Council of Canadians, Saint John Free Public Library

RAVEN Earth Week: April 25
April 25, 1pm: RAVEN research panel, University of New Brunswick Fredericton, Marshall D’Avery Hall (the education faculty building at the top of the hill). Room 328.
This is RAVEN’s opportunity to highlight how UNB students are working with the team on different studies related to rural action and voices for the environment. The presentations will be a mix of completed work and research in progress. Each presentation will be about 10 minutes, followed by 20 minutes of discussion. Panel presentations:
1pm: Mary Aspinall, PhD candidate, UNB Sociology, will present:“Manufacturing Consent for Rural Compliance with Corporate Development” based on the team’s analysis of Brunswick News editorials. Mary will be presenting this work in June at the Canadian Sociological association annual conference. Abstract here.
1:30pm: Amy Savile, PhD candidate, UNB Sociology will present “Environmental activism in a monopoly news media setting: Social movement media in a rural Canadian province,” based on the team’s analysis (in progress) of alternative media in New Brunswick. Amy will be presenting this research with RAVEN’s Tracy Glynn at the Canadian Sociological Association conference in June. Abstract here.
2pm: Kim Reeder, UNB Masters in Environmental Management candidate, will present “Leadership and mobilization for climate change adaptation in rural communities” based on RAVEN’s study (in progress) with municipal leaders in the northwest region of New Brunswick. You can read her abstract here. Kim will be presenting this research in June at the Environmental Studies Association of Canada conference.
2:30pm: Rowan Miller, final year undergraduate, UNB Political Science, will present a summary of the team’s work to date on a vision paper, A Just Transition to a Green Economy in Rural New Brunswick.
RAVEN 2019 cell phone music video contest details
- April 24, online webinar, noon: Presentation of the winning videos of RAVEN’s Cell Phone Music Video Contest!
- Thank you to everyone who participated in the webinar. Click here to see the winning videos.
- The 2019 contest coordinator was Shanthi Bell. Thank you Shanthi!
On this page are the details about the 2019 contest: the contest partners, the contest judges, the scoring process, and a link to all the contest documentation.
Contest partners:
- Sustainability Education Alliance
- NB Media Co-op
- NB Film Co-op
- JEDI – Joint Economic Development Initiative
Contest judges:
- Casey Burkholder, Faculty of Education, University of New Brunswick
- Marie Maltais, Art Centre, University of New Brunswick
- Amy Floyd, Conservation Council of New Brunswick
Scoring process:
- 0-5 points each for: content, technical challenge, creativity
- 1 bonus point each for: funny, rural NB scenes, different cultures and languages, Indigenous perspectives, under-represented communities
The cell phone music video contest documentation is here.

RAVEN Earth Week: April 24
April 24, Fredericton, 7pm Fredericton **venue changed due to flood: Conserver House, 180 St John Street** Bruce Campbell presentation and book launch, The Lac Mégantic Rail Disaster: Public Betrayal, Justice Denied (details here), PLUS a reading of Lac/Athabasca, a play by local playwright Len Falkenstein, that was inspired by the rail disaster, followed by a public discussion on: Rail transport and safety for jobs, communities and the environment. Everyone welcome!
RAVEN partners for this event: the NB Media Co-op, Mayworks Festival, Council of Canadians, Westminster Books, and the Fredericton Public Library.
RAVEN Earth Week: April 23
- April 23, Edmundston, 4pm Café Lotus Bleu, 52 chemin Canada: Bruce Campbell book launch The Lac Mégantic Rail Disaster: Public Betrayal, Justice Denied, and public discussion (bilingue): Rail transport and safety for jobs, communities and the environment. Click here for more information. Everyone welcome! Coffee and snacks by Café Lotus Bleu, provided for everyone by RAVEN.
- RAVEN partner for this event: the NB Media Co-op
RAVEN visit to Pointe-Verte
La Barque Co-op in Pointe Verte is a non-profit community-run innovation, learning and training centre situated in a former school. Members of the co-op live all across the Chaleur. Organizations based in La Barque include Productions Aulnes, run by a team with significant experience in community television and radio production.
Today, Productions Aulnes’ team Renelle LeBlanc and Danis Comeau hosted a visit by RAVEN’s Susan O’Donnell. After a tour of the dynamic La Barque spaces and activities, the group joined a zoom meeting with colleagues from the University of Moncton’s ECHO project, the RAVEN project at University of New Brunswick, and the Sustainability Education Alliance (SEA) of the NB Environmental Network.
The focus of the meeting, and the reason for the visit, was to develop a collaborative project about Belledune. SEA will be taking the lead to support the group with next steps. We will continue to post updates as they become available. Anyone wanting to join the group is welcome to contact RAVEN: raven.unb@gmail.com.
Stopping glyphosate spraying in a province captured by industry
RAVEN is supporting our partner, the NB Media Co-op, to produce and share more stories about environmental issues important to rural communities in New Brunswick. There’s a new story today about spraying glyphosate, a topic of considerable concern to many rural residents in the province.
The story, Stopping glyphosate spraying in a province captured by industry” was written by RAVEN’s Susan O’Donnell about a public meeting in Plaster Rock. The meeting was co-organized and chaired by RAVEN’s Rowan Miller. You can read the story here.
RAVEN in Knowlesville
The community in Knowlesville hosted the RAVEN project today. The RAVEN team visitors – Tracy Glynn, Matt Rogers, Sabine LeBel, Daniel Tubb and Susan O’Donnell – would like to thank everyone gathered at the Knowlesville Art and Nature Centre for their hospitality.
Some members of the Knowlesville group – the South Knowlesville Community Land Trust – are busy organizing their PRAXIS project permaculture-inspired art festival scheduled for June 7 to 9, 2019. You can read all about it here.
Panel on research with Indigenous peoples
RAVEN’s Kim Reeder wrote an article for the NB Media Co-op about a panel presentation at the New Brunswick Graduate Research Conference, “Research for Piluwitahasuwawsuwakon: A sharing circle with Ntutemok,” with Lapskahasit Cihkonagc, Nancy Harn, Stel Raven and Elder Albert Marshall.
You can read the story here.
RAVEN team meeting – March 2019
The RAVEN team met today. The agenda included discussing ideas for working on a Belledune project with NBEN collaborators, Productions Aulnes, and the ECHO project team at Université de Moncton. We also clarified plans for the RAVEN Earth Week events at the end of April. The meeting minutes are here.
Bruce Campbell speaking in NB April 23-26: Lac Mégantic Rail Disaster: Public Betrayal, Justice Denied
RAVEN and the NB Media Co-op and partners will be hosting a visit by author Bruce Campbell to New Brunswick. Bruce is launching his book: The Lac-Mégantic Rail Disaster: Public Betrayal, Justice Denied and RAVEN is facilitating community gatherings (bilingue) on the topic of “Rail Transport and Safety for Jobs, Communities and the Environment.” Mark your calendars:
- April 23 – Edmundston, 4pm: Café Lotus Bleu, 52 Chemin Canada
- April 24 – Fredericton, 7pm: new location: Conserver House
- April 25 – online webinar, starts at 5pm
- April 26 – Saint John, 3pm: Free Public Library Central Branch, with partners the Saint John Free Public Library and Council of Canadians Saint John
For a copy of the poster, click here.
Background story and book theme: The July 6, 2013 Lac-Mégantic rail disaster is a tragedy unparalleled in Canadian history. It resulted in major loss of life, massive environmental destruction and the evisceration of a small Quebec town. Blame landed squarely on the shoulders of three front-line employees of the Montreal, Maine, and Atlantic Railway Company. But a jury acquitted them. Lac-Mégantic is the story of a rail industry writing its own rules subordinating safety to profit, a booming US oil industry based on fracking, fighting any obstacles to selling their dangerous product, and a rogue US railway operator cutting costs and cutting corners.
Author and special guest: Bruce Campbell is currently Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Environmental Studies at York University, and Senior Fellow, Ryerson University Centre for Free Expression. He is a former Executive Director of the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, one of Canada’s leading independent think-tanks, and the author of three major reports and numerous media commentaries on the Lac-Mégantic rail disaster, for which he was awarded a Law Foundation of Ontario Community Leadership in Justice Fellowship. Bruce spent 2016 as a visiting professor at the University of Ottawa Faculty of Law.
Hosts: RAVEN (Rural Action and Voices for the Environment) is an activist research project at the University of New Brunswick. We promote the voices of rural champions working to build sustainable environments and communities in New Brunswick. The NB Media Co-op has membership and contributors province-wide, voluntarily writing and sharing news and opinions and facilitating dialogue on issues concerning New Brunswickers that are all too often marginalized in corporate media, including the environment, social justice, women, Indigenous issues, labour, etc.
Beautiful and bountiful Wolastoq
Today – World Water Day – we are celebrating with an article and a video about Wolastoq, produced in collaboration with RAVEN and published by the NB Media Co-op.
The video features David Perley, RAVEN team member and director of the Mi’kmaq-Wolastoqey Centre, telling the story of the traditional importance of Wolastoq and why we need to bring it back to health. The short video, Wolastoq: a healthy river is necessary for survival, was a collaboration with several RAVEN team members including Shanthi Bell, Tracy Glynn and Rodrigo Gutiérrez Hermelo.
The article, Wolastoq: a beautiful and bountiful teacher, written by David Perley and friend of RAVEN Brian Beaton, recalls the history of the degradation of the river and the work involved and underway to restore it to health. The story also identifies many of the groups working on restauration projects.
Tell Your Rural Story, Knowlesville, March 30
Tell Your Rural Story, Knowlesville: A Storytelling Workshop
Do you work on land, water and air protection? Clean energy? Regenerative farming? Sustainable forestry?
Are you interested in telling your rural community’s story in a collaborative way?
Learn about storytelling methods, photovoice (photography and storytelling), cellphilming (taking films with cell phones) and participatory video.
Where: The Knowlesville Art and Nature Centre
When: Saturday, March 30 at 3:00pm
Hosted by Rural Action & Voices for the Environment (RAVEN).
Participants must be 19 years or older.
This project has been reviewed by the Research Ethics Board of the University of New Brunswick and is on file as REB 2018-099.
For more information, contact Tracy at raven.unb@gmail.com.
Sharing our love of trees
A new book: The Great Trees of New Brunswick, 2nd edition, authored by RAVEN’s Tracy Glynn and co-author David Palmer will be published by Goose Lane in May. The NB Media Co-op published a video with the authors discussing why they wrote the book and their favourite trees. The video was edited by RAVEN’s Shanthi Bell and produced by RAVEN partner Sophie Lavoie. Looking forward to the book launch! Here’s the link to the video.
David Hofmann on rural right-wing extremism – April 11
Dr. David Hofmann, UNB Sociology, a member of the RAVEN team, is contributing his expertise on social networking analysis to the RAVEN project. David’s other research, separate from RAVEN, is investigating terrorism and political violence, charismatic leadership, right-wing extremism, apocalyptic and millenarian groups, and criminal & illicit networks.
Mark your calendars – David will be the presenter for the final Rural Issues Workshop this academic year at UNB, 4-5:30 pm on Thursday, April 11. The workshops are held in room 202 of the UNB Forestry and Geology Building, 2 Bailey Dr., Fredericton.
Dr. Hofmann’s talk for the Rural Issues Workshop, entitled “Right-wing and Anti-government Extremism in Rural New Brunswick and Nova Scotia” is data-driven presentation that will provide attendees with a conceptual introduction to the history of right-wing extremism in Canada, context for the explosive growth in right-wing, ultra-nationalist, and hate movements in Canada in the last 5 years, and will introduce and explain preliminary data on the presence and extent of right-wing extremism and hate groups in the Maritimes. This research is part of a large, multi-year grant funded by Public Safety Canada (led by Dr. Barbara Perry), where Dr. Hofmann is the lead-researcher of the team tasked with investigating right-wing extremism in the Maritimes.
RAVEN in Sussex
Members of the group Sussex Area for Frack Free Environment (SAFE) hosted members of the RAVEN team on March 16: Tracy Glynn, Casey Burkholder, Matt Rogers, Chris George, Daniel Tubb. The group is interested to develop a “Faces of Fracking” project together.
In the meantime, SAFE is busy hosting a speaker series. Their guest speaker on March 27 is Jim Emberger, NB Anti-Shale Gas Alliance.
Fredericton youth rally for climate action
The first “Fridays for Future” rally in Fredericton outside the Provincial Legislature building was held on March 15. The rallies happened around the world, inspired by the young Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg. Friend of RAVEN Gerry McAlister wrote this story for us, published in the NB Media Co-op. You can read Gerry’s article here.
Peace and Friendship Treaties Days
The annual Peace and Friendship Treaties Days at UNB is a celebration of the relationship between Indigenous and settler peoples in Wabanaki territory. This year’s event included a re-enactment of the longhouse gathering to ratify the terms of the 1760 treaty.
RAVEN’s Kim Reeder participated in the gathering and wrote a story for the NB Media Co-op, working with David Perley, RAVEN collaborator and director of the Mi’kmaq-Wolastoqey Centre, and Brian Beaton. You can read their story here.
The perspective of the RAVEN project is that understanding the relationships between the first peoples on this territory, European and other newcomers over the past four centuries, and all our relations, will help to guide us as we move forward to build a sustainable future together.
RAVEN at “Nurturing Connections with Nature” workshop
RAVEN’s Susan O’Donnell and Matt Rogers engaged with more than 50 environmental educators today at the Sustainability Education Alliance (SEA) workshop “Nurturing Connections with Nature” in New Maryland. The event featured informative guest speakers, including educators from Listuguj First Nation in Quebec (near Campbellton, NB) who shared info about their innovative outdoor education program with Mi’kmaq language teaching. At today’s workshop there was plenty of time for networking, including meeting up with people we met at the SEA Art and Sustainability workshop in Moncton in October last year, where several RAVEN researchers made presentations about their work.
SEA is a program of the NB Environmental Network (NBEN). The event today marked exactly six months since the RAVEN project was launched. NBEN staff from Moncton came to Fredericton to our launch event in September. Shortly afterward RAVEN applied to be part of the NBEN and we were accepted as associate members. Our affiliation with the NBEN has been vital to our development as a project – through the network we’ve met important contacts and new collaborators. The information shared at NBEN events and meetings has shaped our direction and priorities for action. Thank you NBEN for your support of RAVEN and everything you do for environmental groups in NB!
RAVEN at the Environmental Studies Association Annual Meeting
Another member of the UNB RAVEN team will represent the project at the biggest academic conference in Canada: the Congress of Humanities and Social Sciences.
RAVEN’s Kim Reeder’s abstract was accepted for presentation at the Environmental Studies Association of Canada (ESAC) annual meeting. Congrats Kim! Kim is a Masters in Environmental Management candidate at UNB. Her presentation, “Leadership and mobilization for climate change adaptation in rural communities” is based on RAVEN’s study with municipal leaders and workers in the northwest region of New Brunswick. You can read her abstract here.
Kim’s presentation will be at the satellite ESAC conference at the Memorial University campus in Corner Brook, NL that will be linked with the main ESAC venue at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver. Other ESAC conference participants will join the event virtually. RAVEN is pleased to see ESAC take the lead in organizing a distributed and virtual conference to allow participants to reduce or eliminate air travel.
Other RAVEN graduate students will be presenting at the Canadian Sociological Association (CSA) annual conference.
We are planning to present all of our research during RAVEN’s planned Earth Week events at the end of April 2019. Stay tuned!
Why These Business people From Sussex Are Against Fracking
Why These Businesspeople From Sussex Are Against Fracking
RAVEN will be partnering with the folks from SAFE – Sussex Area for a Frack-free Environment – for a workshop on March 16 –
Tell Your Rural Story: Digital Storytelling Workshop in Sussex March 16
Do you work on land, water and air protection? Clean energy? Regenerative farming? Sustainable forestry?
Are you interested in telling your rural community’s story in a collaborative way?
Learn about storytelling methods, photovoice (photography and storytelling), cellphilming (taking films with cell phones) and participatory video.
Tell your Rural Story: Digital Storytelling Workshop in Sussex
- When: Saturday, March 16 at 1pm
- Where: The AX, Sussex
Participants must be 19 years or older.
This project has been reviewed by the Research Ethics Board of the University of New Brunswick and is on file as REB 2018-099.
For more information, contact Tracy at raven.unb@gmail.com.
For more information about RAVEN, visit: raven-research.org
RAVEN cell phone music video contest – deadline extended!
Get your cell phones out and start philming! The RAVEN cell phone music video contest deadline is extended to encourage more participation. We have five prizes of $1000 to give away for the best videos.
Contest theme: Moving New Brunswick to a Green Economy
New deadlines:
- March 26: last day to request a registration form
- April 2: last day to submit your registration form with the link to your video
RAVEN contest partners:
- Sustainability Education Alliance
- NB Media Co-op
- NB Film Co-op
- JEDI – Joint Economic Development Initiative
You enter the contest using the registration form, available by emailing the contest coordinator Shanthi Bell: ravenvideocontest@gmail.com
This blog post has all the information you will need to enter. For a copy of the contest guidelines, click here. For the contest poster, click here.
For an excellent video on how to make a cell phone video, check out the recording of the webinar by RAVEN’s Casey Burkholder on the contest Facebook page. The video link is here.
Here are some common questions we’ve been asked, and our answers:
Q: What is the maximum length of the video? A: Two minutes.
Q: How do I submit a video, can I email you the video?
A: No, you need to submit on the application form, which includes a link to the video that you have uploaded and password-protected. Please do not send the video to us directly.
Q: Does the editing need to be done with a cell phone?
A: The video needs to be shot using a cell phone but the editing can be done using a computer or phone.
Q: Does the music need to be original?
A: Yes, however historical music / songs that are out of copyright can be used.
Q: Does the video need to have lyrics / words?
A: No but often words help tell a story. You can use words written on cards if you want. See our “How to make a cell phone video” recording for more ideas.
Q: Does the theme have to be “transition to a green economy”?
A: Yes, it can be anything related to the green economy. Some tips for themes are on the contest guidelines page. Other ideas can be found by searching the web for “green economy.”
Q: Does the person submitting need to be involved with an environmental group?
A: The contest is open to all residents of New Brunswick.
Q: Can a video be submitted by a group?
A: Yes, however if successful, the cheque for $1,000 will be made out to the name on the application form. If your group is incorporated and can cash the cheque, fine. If not, one person will have their name on the application form, the person who will cash the cheque.
Take Nashwaak’s fish-bearing brooks off the list for Sisson’s mine waste
RAVEN’s Tracy Glynn wrote this article in the NB Media Co-op on Feb. 27 about a coalition Indigenous leaders, scientists and conservationists who are organizing to protest the federal government’s move to allow Northcliff’s Sisson mine project to use two fish-bearing brooks as dumping grounds for its toxic waste. The article, here, includes information about why there is widespread public opposition to this move. The article also includes this link to send a letter of protest by the March 18 deadline through the website of the Conservation Council of New Brunswick.
RAVEN team meeting – February 2019
The RAVEN team met today, again by zoom. Most of the discussion focused on updates by the RAVEN students about their work on various studies and projects, including research on a paper about media activism, a survey with partner CSRNO, the position paper on a Just Transition to a Green Economy for Rural New Brunswick, and videos produced with the NB Media Co-op. We gave everyone an update on the abstracts accepted for presentation at the Congress of Humanities and Social Sciences in Vancouver in June. We also discussed the preliminary plans for RAVEN’s Earth Week events April 23-27. The meeting minutes can be accessed here.
RAVEN at Climate Change Adaptation Workshop
RAVEN is a member of the New Brunswick Environmental Network (NBEN). Today the NBEN co-hosted a workshop: Protect, Accommodate, Retreat: Adapting to a changing climate in New Brunswick. Participants from across the province shared information at the event at the New Maryland Centre, including members of the RAVEN team.
The event featured a compelling keynote address by Robin Bronen, co-founder and executive director of the Alaska Institute for Justice, about the climate change work in that state where the temperature has already risen by 3.5 degrees and Indigenous communities are planning to re-locate from their traditional communities along the coast.
RAVEN’s Susan O’Donnell and Kim Reeder participated and met up with Adrian Prado of the Northwest Regional Service Commission (CSRNO). RAVEN is working with Adrian and CSRNO on a study of leadership for climate change adaptation in that rural region. The networking at the NBEN workshop was exceptional and we made new contacts for future activities related to rural alternative media.
RAVEN at the 2019 Congress of Humanities and Social Sciences
Four members of the RAVEN team at UNB will be representing the project at the biggest academic conference in Canada: the Congress of Humanities and Social Sciences, held this year at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver in June. All four will be presenting their research at the Canadian Sociological Association (CSA) annual conference. Click here to read the abstracts of the presentations.
PhD candidate Mary Aspinall, UNB Sociology, will be presenting: “Manufacturing Consent for Rural Compliance with Corporate Development,” based on her analysis of Brunswick News editorials. Mary will also be making a presentation from her work at the Canadian Communication Association conference at the Congress.
Sociology PhD candidate Amy Savile and PhD candidate in Interdisciplinary Studies Tracy Glynn will be co-presenting: “Environmental activism in a monopoly news media setting: Social movement media in a rural Canadian province,” based on their analysis of alternative media in New Brunswick. Amy will also be making a separate presentation at the CSA conference related to her thesis work.
Susan O’Donnell, adjunct professor in Sociology, will be presenting: “Rural communities adapting to climate change: a socio-political analysis,” based on RAVEN’s study in collaboration with the Northwest Regional Service Commission. Susan is working with UNB Masters in Environmental Management student and RAVEN research assistant Kim Reeder on that study.
We are keen to complete these studies and share our research in June. Some of this research will be ready to share with the public during RAVEN’s planned Earth Week events at the end of April 2019.
Clear the air
Carbon pricing – making polluters pay – is one of the measures being implemented to address the challenge of climate change. Friend of RAVEN Brian Beaton wrote an article about “Clear the Air,” a carbon pricing panel event in Sackville as part of the Tantramar Climate Change Week. You can read his article in the NB Media Co-op here. Tantramar, the rural region of New Brunswick on the border with Nova Scotia, is considered vulnerable to climate change impacts. Earlier for RAVEN, Brian wrote about another panel in Fredericton on this important topic. You can read that post here.
How to make a cell phone video
RAVEN co-investigator Casey Burkholder today delivered a webinar on making cellphilms, aka cell phone videos. This webinar is supporting potential participants of the RAVEN cell phone music video contest.
“Moving NB to a Green Economy” is the theme of a the competition. The winning five videos will each receive $1,000. The competition poster and guidelines can be downloaded from the Facebook site. Also on the site is a link to Casey’s webinar recording.
For a copy of the competition registration form, email: ravenvideocontest@gmail.com. The competition deadline is March 15.
RAVEN joins the NBEN
RAVEN’s application to join the New Brunswick Environmental Network (NBEN) as an associate member has been approved by the NBEN board. It will be formally approved by the NBEN members at their 2019 AGM. Since making our application in November 2018 to join the NBEN, RAVEN has been actively involved in several NBEN events and caucus groups. We are pleased and proud to be a member of such a dynamic, important umbrella organization that brings together more than 100 environmental groups across the province.
UNB REB approval of RAVEN ethics amendment
Today the UNB Research Ethics Board (REB) approved RAVEN’s application for a modification of its research protocol. This gives our team the green light to conduct the new research planned with the additional funding from the New Brunswick Innovation Foundation (NBIF).
Editorials and rural invisibility
RAVEN research assistant Mary Aspinall’s abstract was accepted for presentation at the Canadian Communication Association (CCA) Annual Conference at the University of British Columbia in June 2019. Mary, a PhD Candidate in Sociology, conducted her research in Autumn 2018 with RAVEN lead investigator Susan O’Donnell. Mary’s abstract: “Editorials, rural invisibly and resource extraction in a monopoly news media environment,” is one result of RAVEN’s study of Brunswick News editorials.
RAVEN’s voices for the environment week: Sept 20-27
September 20, noon, UNB Fredericton: Poetry for the Climate Crisis, followed by Fridays for the Future Climate Strike
September 21-22, 9am to 1pm, UNB Fredericton: Spoken word poetry workshop with El Jones: Poetry for the Climate Crisis
September 23, noon, UNB Fredericton: Students speak out about fossil fuel divestment at UNB and STU
September 24, noon, UNB Fredericton: Professors facilitate a teach-in on the climate crisis
September 26, noon, UNB Fredericton: discussion of activist research with Shannon Bell
September 26, 4-6pm, Keswick Ridge: RAVEN’s first birthday party
September 27, 2pm, STU: The Women Resisting Extractivism and Bridging the Scholarship-Activist Divide
RAVEN team meeting – January 2019
The team had agreed, following frequent snowstorms in late 2018, to meet virtually by zoom for the 2019 Winter term. Our first meeting, on January 29, brought together most of the new students that started earlier this month. The discussion focused on the RAVEN projects they are working on and plans for papers and presentations at upcoming academic conferences. The meeting agenda and minutes can be accessed here.
Wabanaki Unity Gathering
The Wabanaki Unity Gathering on Jan. 26 was an important event hosted by the Wolastoq Grand Council. RAVEN’s Susan O’Donnell participated and was asked to write a story for the NB Media Co-op. She spoke with several Indigenous women who highlighted the importance of unity among all nations and peoples to heal the earth, and for humans to see ourselves as part of the web of life. You can read the story here.
RAVEN cell phone music video contest launched
RAVEN is happy to announce that the cell phone music video contest is launched today! RAVEN’s Shanthi Bell is the coordinator. Please share this info below with your networks.
“Moving NB to a Green Economy” is the theme of a competition for music videos made using cellphones. The five top videos will each receive $1,000. The competition is a joint effort from four groups: the UNB RAVEN project, the NB Film Co-op, the NB Media Co-op and JEDI. The competition poster and guidelines can be downloaded from the Facebook site. For a copy of the competition registration form, email: ravenvideocontest@gmail.com. The competition deadline is March 15.
On February 5, UNB professor Casey Burkholder, a researcher with the RAVEN project, will be giving a webinar on how to make a cellphone video. Sign up at the Facebook site. The video of the webinar will be on the site afterwards.
Brian Beaton, friend of RAVEN, wrote a story for the NB Media Co-op about the music video competition as an outcome of the NBEN Art of Sustainability workshop. You can read his story here.

Living the good life in rural New Brunswick
In a story for the NB Media Co-op, RAVEN’s Tracy Glynn spoke with rural residents living in Taymouth. Like many rural communities, Taymouth faces many challenges but newcomers choosing to make their home in its rolling hills are part of a different, more hopeful story about rural New Brunswick. Read Tracy’s story here.
Environmental Praxis guest lectures
RAVEN’s Tracy Glynn, lecturer at St. Thomas University, is inviting the public to join her Environmental Praxis class and STU Students for Sustainability at any of the following guest lectures happening this semester at 4:00pm at George Martin Hall, Room 207, St. Thomas University, Fredericton.
Thurs, Jan. 24 – Marie Maltais, UNB Art Centre, “Using Art to Create Dialogue about Environmental Issues.”
Thurs, Jan. 31 – Jim Emberger, NB Anti-Shale Gas Alliance, on the status of shale gas in New Brunswick and his organization’s work to transition to a clean economy.
Tues, Feb. 12 – Jenn Wambolt, Wil-Doo Community Bike Club, on bringing together newcomer, indigenous and local youth living in Fredericton’s north side.
Tues, Feb. 19 – Sabine LeBel, Professor, UNB Culture and Media Studies, on “QueeringArt Education for theEnvironment.”
Thurs, March 21 – Edee Klee, Hayes Urban Teaching Farm, on efforts to foster a new generation of farmers in a future of climate change.
Tues, March 28 – Christy Rust, Save Officer’s Square, on the grassroots movement to save old trees and heritage in downtown Fredericton.
Video: Nashwaak residents see a future in farming, not fracking
In a video produced by the NB Media Co-op, the RAVEN team spoke with Nashwaak residents Jim Emberger and Amy Floyd. They talked about the need to create clean rural economies in New Brunswick. Emberger is the spokesperson for the New Brunswick Anti-Shale Gas Alliance and Floyd is a volunteer with the Hayes Urban Teaching Farm. Watch the video here.
New UNB students with RAVEN
RAVEN is pleased to announce that we hired four UNB students for the Winter 2019 term:
- Amy Savile, PhD candidate in Sociology
- Chris George, PhD candidate in Interdisciplinary Studies
- Kim Reeder, Masters candidate in Environmental Management
- Rowan Miller, final year undergrad student in Political Science
In addition, Shanthi Bell, final year undergrad student in Psychology and Media Arts and Cultures, and Tracy Glynn, a member of the core research staff and PhD candidate in Interdisciplinary Studies, will be returning for the Winter term.
Welcome! We are excited to be working together.
A call for second-language training in rural communities
In an opinion article for the NB Media Co-op, RAVEN’s Susan O’Donnell and friend of RAVEN Gerry McAlister called on anglophones to act in solidarity with Acadians and francophones in New Brunswick and respect their rights to services in their own language. We suggested that second-language training should be moved out of urban institutions and into rural communities, supporting local language schools and immersion opportunities run by grassroots groups and local entrepreneurs and designed as projects for rural community development such as small farms, local renewable energy, food security, community forestry, and climate change adaptation activities along our waterways and coastlines. You can read it here.
Pay equity and fracking debated
After the recent provincial election resulted in a historic four-party minority government, the NB Media Co-op stated it would write stories about decisions made in the new Legislature that impact those ignored or misrepresented in the corporate media. For the NB Media Co-op, RAVEN’s Susan O’Donnell covered the recent debate about fracking and pay equity, both issues of interest to many rural residents in the province. Read the story here.
Carbon pricing – Making changes today, taking responsibility and acting
Friend of RAVEN Brian Beaton wrote a story for us about a Carbon Pricing event held in Fredericton in December 2018. Carbon pricing is currently a hot topic across New Brunswick and particularly in rural communities. The panel at the Fredericton event and the lively discussion afterward was an opportunity to share some facts and demystify this useful tool to mitigate climate change impacts. Read Brian’s story here.
RAVEN presents to STU students
RAVEN’s Tracy Glynn and Susan O’Donnell made a presentation today to students in the St. Thomas University Migmaq-Wolastoqey Bachelor of Social Work program. We were invited by the lecturer, Chris George, for his class, Introduction to Research Methods. Tracy and Susan spoke about the monopoly news situation in New Brunswick, the need for alternative media, and the importance of Indigenous voices being heard on environmental issues. We described RAVEN as an activist research project and presented our first video produced by the NB Media Co-op, featuring Ron Tremblay, Wolastoq Grand Council Chief.
Collaboration with CSRNO
RAVEN sent a letter of support and offer to collaborate with the Northwest Regional Service Commission (CSRNO) on a project related to leadership for climate change adaptation in a rural region. Our collaborative initiative will develop and conduct surveys of CSRNO’s member organizations and collaborators, analyze the data and create reports and publications to suit the needs of each of projects. The RAVEN team will also offer our expertise to the CSRNO team as it applies in the context of our shared work. The study will start in January 2019.
Analyzing corporate news media
PhD candidate and RAVEN research assistant Mary Aspinall is leading a study of Brunswick News editorials focused on rural issues. Her work is using content analysis methodology. Mary’s abstract, Looking for the invisible: Analyzing latent content in the news media was accepted for presentation at The Qualitatives conference to be held in May 2019 in Fredericton. We look forward to your presentation Mary!
RAVEN has an office!
We are grateful to the UNB Faculty of Education for giving RAVEN an office space in Marshall D’Avery Hall. We will use the space primarily as a meeting room and hot-desk location for RAVEN graduate student research assistants who need a place to work. Our RAVEN undergrad students are working in a new shared office in the Sociology Department in Tilley Hall. Thanks to all for helping make this happen (space is at a premium at UNB).

Mobilizing to improve the environment in New Brunswick
Jennifer Adam, a law student at the University of New Brunswick and RAVEN volunteer, wrote an article for the NB Media Co-op about the New Brunswick Environmental Network (NBEN) and their “Eco-confluence” event on November 17 that brought together more than 35 groups concerned with the well-being of the province, its citizens, and its environment. Read Jennifer’s story here.
RAVEN at Peace and Friendship Alliance gathering
RAVEN is building its relationship with Indigenous leaders and community members. RAVEN participated at the Peace and Friendship Alliance meeting on Nov. 24 in Fredericton. Those gathered shared information about many issues affecting rural communities, including the Mount Carleton court case, fracking, Sisson mine and climate change.
Video: “A small change can make a big difference”
In a video produced by the NB Media Co-op, the RAVEN team spoke with Annika Chiasson, a program coordinator with the New Brunswick Environmental Network (NBEN). She shares her thoughts on a sustainable future for rural New Brunswick. You can watch the video here.
RAVEN team meeting – November 2018
The minutes for the RAVEN team meeting can be accessed here. One of the main topics on the agenda was preparing the research ethics amendment for the project to cover the additional work funded by the New Brunswick Innovation Foundation. We also discussed initial plans for RAVEN team members, including graduate students, to attend the Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver in June 2019. RAVEN funds can subsidize students and staff making presentations at the event.
RAVEN is hiring UNB graduate students
Graduate Student Research Assistant (GSRA) Position Available for Masters or PhD Student(s)
The project RAVEN (Rural Action and Voices for the Environment) will be hiring one or more graduate student research assistants (RA) for the winter and fall terms.
- Winter term: 10hpw for 16 weeks, Jan. 7 to April 26, 2019
- Summer term: 10hpw for 17 weeks, May 7 to August 30, 2019
- A student can work fewer hours upon request.
- Salary: Masters student, $28 per hour; PhD student, $32 per hour
- December 5, midnight: application deadline
- December 6, 7: phone interviews with candidates screened in
- December 7-10: reference checks
- December 11: candidate(s) selected, paperwork for hiring submitted
- January 7, 2019 first meeting for winter term, work begins
The RAs will be members of the core team, supervised by one of the team members listed on the RAVEN people page:
The RA work will include participating in regular individual and team meetings and assisting the project investigators on a range of studies using qualitative methodologies. Information about RAVEN including a link to a statement of its principles and actions is available on the project site:
We will be screening applications for the following requirements:
- experience working on a research project at UNB or elsewhere
- familiarity with social science, education and / or arts theories and approaches
- have written term papers or other publications
using critical theoretical analysis
Optional additional skills and experience that would be a plus:
- experience working in solidarity with Indigenous peoples
- experience working in a rural setting in New Brunswick
- experience as champion or activist on environmental issues
- experience with NVivo or other qualitative analysis software
- experience with production or analysis of video
- experience working in a bilingual environment
To apply for this position, prepare a cover letter that includes the following points:
- Summary of experience and skills listed above, required and optional
- Experience, if any, working on a research project with a large team
- What stage you are at in your graduate work
- What terms (winter or summer or both) you want to work with RAVEN
- Other jobs (TA, RA, other) you will be working during the terms requested
- Name of your thesis supervisor who will be contacted for a reference
Note: we strongly suggest that students check with their thesis supervisor before applying for this position; the supervisors will be contacted for a reference.
Send your cover letter, a copy of all your graduate academic transcripts, a past term paper or other writing sample, and your CV to:
Susan O’Donnell, Researcher and Adjunct Professor, UNB Sociology: susanodo@unb.ca
This position is covered by the
Collective Agreement negotiated between PSAC on behalf of the Union
of Graduate Student Workers (UGSW) Local 60550, and UNB. The University of
New Brunswick and the Public Service Alliance of Canada are committed to
Employment Equity.
RAVEN at NBEN’s Eco-Confluence event
RAVEN applied to be an associate member of the New Brunswick Environmental Network (NBEN). We participated with many other environmental groups around the province at the NBEN annual meeting. At the Nov. 17 event in New Maryland, we had the opportunity to learn about other groups’ current issues, priorities, tools at strategic approaches to tackling pressing environmental challenges.
Opposition to shale gas returns
For the NB Media Co-op, RAVEN’s Tracy Glynn wrote about the opposition to fracking after the provincial government threatened to lift the moratorium. Two dozen people rallied against shale gas in New Brunswick outside a natural gas conference in Moncton on a frigid November 15th. Read Tracy’s story here.
Video: Mobilizing against spraying the forest
In a video produced by the NB Media Co-op, the Shanthi Bell and the RAVEN team spoke with Charles Thériault, the Kedgwick-based filmmaker about why he opposes spraying the forest with glyphosate-based herbicides. The video was published here.
Video: “We need to take back control of our forest”
In a video produced by the NB Media Co-op, the RAVEN team spoke with Charles Thériault, Kedgwick-based filmmaker and author. You can watch it here. In the video Thériault speaks about the need to take control away from the corporations over New Brunswick’s forest.
Video: “We never surrendered”
In a video produced by the NB Media Co-op, the RAVEN team spoke with Wolastoq Grand Council Chief Ron Tremblay. He describes the importance of honouring the treaties. He also relates how the 2013 struggle in Elsipogtog and Kent County over exploration for shale gas resulted in the Peace and Friendship Alliance and relationships with allies. You can watch it here.
RAVEN at the Wolastoq / Saint John River Summit
RAVEN participated in a community summit organized by the St. John River Society and WWF Canada. The event was held at the Charlotte St. Arts Centre in Fredericton on Nov. 6 and The Ville in Marysville on Nov. 7. The Marysville meeting brought together dozens of environmental and community groups working on issues involving the river. At that event, Susan O’Donnell spoke about the RAVEN project. She also spoke about the importance of giving the Wolastoq back its name, a request made by the Wolastoq Grand Council.
Spraying glyphosate on forests clashes with Indigenous rights
RAVEN’s Susan O’Donnell attended a public event on Nov. 3 in a community hall in Tobique First Nation. At the meeting, 50 people gathered to discuss how to stop the spraying of glyphosate on the New Brunswick forest. She spoke briefly about RAVEN at the gathering and, for the NB Media Co-op, interviewed several people for a news story. You can read it here.
Filmmaker exposes corporate capture in forestry in New Brunswick
For the NB Media C0-op, RAVEN’s Tracy Glynn spoke with NB filmmaker Charles Thériault for a news story. In the story, Charles spoke about how his troubling encounter with a young man in the northern rural New Brunswick community of Kedgwick made him turn his camera on the forest. Read the story here.
RAVEN team meeting – October 2018
The minutes of the October team meeting can be accessed here. On the agenda again was discussion of the feedback received by the RAVEN team at the Rural Issues Workshop in September. The feedback document can be accessed here. We also discussed the plans to start several studies and how this could be organized.
RAVEN at “The Art of Sustainability”
Four members of the RAVEN team at UNB participated in “The Art of Sustainability: Education through Arts-Based Methods” event in Moncton in October. Sabine LeBel delivered the thought-provoking keynote address, “Queering Art Education for the Environment.” Matt Rogers shared the work of RAVEN and how participatory video can be used to tell rural stories. Tracy Glynn shared a photovoice project on women and mining in Indonesia. The conference was organized by the NB Environmental Network’s Sustainable Education Alliance (NBEN-SEA).
RAVEN and ECHO collaboration
RAVEN is excited to begin collaboration with another research network, ECHO (Environment, Community, Health Observatory). The ECHO Network is investigating social and environmental change in resource-rich regions in Canada. Leading the Network is Margot Parkes (University of Northern British Columbia) and Sandra Allison (Northern Health), along with researchers from other universities, including Université de Moncton’s Céline Surette and Julie Forgues. A key ECHO network partner is the New Brunswick Environmental Network (NBEN). ECHO’s New Brunswick case study aims to use arts-based tools, such as photovoice, to study the cumulative environmental and health impacts of resource development in locations of the province such as Belledune. The next ECHO Network Annual Meeting is happening in Moncton on May 27-31, 2019. RAVEN will be there!
“We never surrendered:” Wolastoq Grand Council Chief
For the NB Media Co-op, RAVEN’s Tracy Glynn interviewed Ron Tremblay, Wolastoq Grand Council Chief for a news story. In the story, Ron is reminding people that the Indigenous Wolastoq people of what is known as the “Saint John River Valley” today “never surrendered one inch of land, one drop of water.” Read the story here.
Meeting on glyphosate ban
Spraying poison on public (Crown) forests in New Brunswick is an issue that has mobilized thousands of rural residents in the province. RAVEN’s Susan O’Donnell wrote a story for the NB Media Co-op about a political meeting organized by Stop Spraying in New Brunswick (SSNB) on October 17 in Fredericton. Read the story here.
RAVEN has a logo!
RAVEN contracted Jesse Fiddler from Sioux Lookout, Ontario, to design a logo for our project. RAVEN primary investigator Susan O’Donnell had worked with Jesse on Susan’s previous project, First Nations Innovation. We are pleased that Jesse created a beautiful design capturing various aspects of rural New Brunswick and RAVEN, including a trickster image. We are using the logo starting today. Thank you Jesse!

Recruiting storytellers for rural social justice
The RAVEN research team at the University of New Brunswick wants to collaborate with rural champions working on land, water and air protection; clean and renewable energy; regenerative farming; and sustainable forestry and fishing. We are looking for rural New Brunswickers who are interested in telling the stories of their communities as part of a research and media production project. As a participant, you will receive training on creating and editing photographs, cellphilms and/or video; learn how to tell effective stories about your communities; have your media showcased on the websites of the NB Media Co-op and RAVEN, Youtube and on social media; and have opportunities to collaborate with rural advocates and media-makers from across New Brunswick. For more information, contact: raven.unb@gmail.com.
Making videos of rural voices
The NB Media Co-op will be producing a series of videos with land defenders, woodlot owners, farmers and rural champions, in collaboration with RAVEN. Want to go on camera and highlight your work on making rural New Brunswick a thriving place to live? If yes, the NB Media Co-op can work with RAVEN to produce a video at the UNB Media Lab in Fredericton. Contact us: raven.unb@gmail.com
Open Farm Day showcases family operations behind food production in NB
Friend of RAVEN Brian Beaton wrote a story for us about Open Farm Day. Every year, people have an opportunity to visit the farms where their food comes from. This year, farms across New Brunswick opened their gates for visitors on Sunday, Sept. 16, to learn and experience the important work being done to provide safe, local food for families and their communities. Read the story here.
RAVEN team meeting – September 2018
We held a team meeting on Sept. 25. You can read the agenda and minutes here. On the agenda of this and subsequent meetings is discussion of the feedback RAVEN received from its paper presentation at the UNB Rural Issues Workshop following the project launch earlier in September. You can read our feedback document here. We also discussed the composition of the team and where the expertise gaps were, and how we could address them.
Big pay equity win for rural postal workers
For the NB Media Co-op, RAVEN’s Susan O’Donnell wrote a story that will affect more than 350 rural postal workers in New Brunswick. The rural workers and their union are celebrating a legal decision in September that will give them a big pay raise and better benefits. Read the story here
RAVEN featured in UNB news
The UNB news blog featured our RAVEN project today. Quotes from RAVEN partners:
“The NBMC looks forward to its collaboration with this project, which will certainly have a great impact on the production and dissemination of news stories on and about rural communities in our province,” says Sophie M. Lavoie of the NBMC Editorial Board.
“The goal is to create and share media relating to those residing in rural communities,” says Lynn Poole-Hughes, CEO of JEDI. “The content developed aims to shed light on the challenges, successes and everyday life of those whose voices are not typically heard. Some of the voices will be Indigenous Peoples. JEDI is proud to partner on and support this initiative. We are certain that Dr. O’Donnell will do great work in realizing her project’s goals.”
[Note: we’re looking forward as well to working with the NBMC and JEDI!]
The full blog is here.
RAVEN: Alternative digital media in New Brunswick
After the RAVEN launch, members of the RAVEN team presented a paper at the first UNB Rural Issues Workshop of the academic year. Our paper, “Rural Action and Voices for the Environment: Alternative Digital Media in New Brunswick” can be accessed here. The co-authors are Susan O’Donnell, Tracy Glynn and David Perley. We intend to develop this paper into a longer publication in future.
The RAVEN team received many thoughtful comments about and critiques of our paper, as well as feedback by email after the workshop. The team will be discussing the feedback at their September meeting with a view to refining and improving their project plans. Thanks to everyone who participated in the launch and provided feedback at the workshop!
RAVEN is launched!
Almost 60 people participated in the RAVEN launch event on September 13. RAVEN team members, our project partners JEDI and NBMC, Indigenous and rural champions and collaborators, as well as researchers from Université de Moncton and Dalhousie University, spoke during the event. The food table included traditional bannock from St. Mary’s First Nation and fresh produce from the Hayes Urban Teaching Farm.
The RAVEN launch was part of the Rural Issues Workshop series hosted by Daniel Tubb (UNB Anthropology and RAVEN co-investigator) and Tom Beckley (UNB Forestry and Environmental Management). Tom was also the discussant for the paper we presented at the workshop.
Thanks to everyone who participated in the launch! Speakers included…
Wolastoq Grand Council Chief Ron Tremblay who opened the launch event,

Edee Klee, New Brunswick Community Harvest Gardens,

Raissa Marks, NB Environmental Network; Rick Doucett, NB Federation of Woodlot Owners; Shawn McGrath, YSC Forest Products Marketing Board,

and David Perley, UNB Mi’kmaq-Wolastoqey Centre, RAVEN collaborator.

RAVEN statement of principles and actions
At our first RAVEN meeting, the team agreed on a statement of principles and actions that you can read here. The statement also includes the RAVEN objectives and how we are defining a rural community.
RAVEN team meeting – August 2018
The RAVEN team had its first meeting on August 28 at the University of New Brunswick in Fredericton. You can access the meeting agenda and minutes here. The main discussion topics were the plans and budget for the project over the next year. Most of the RAVEN funding is spent on student salaries, because research training is a primary focus for all projects funded by SSHRC. We also discussed our ongoing efforts to secure an office space for RAVEN.
UNB students join RAVEN for Autumn
RAVEN hired two new students for the Autumn term:
- Shanthi Bell, a fourth-year student in Psychology and Media Arts and Cultures
- Mary Aspinall, a PhD candidate in Sociology.
Welcome Shanthi and Mary!
In addition, Tracy Glynn, a member of the core research staff and PhD candidate in Interdisciplinary Studies, will be returning for this term.
UNB REB OK for RAVEN’s research protocol
Today the UNB Research Ethics Board (REB) gave RAVEN its approval to conduct the research outlined in our application for funding to the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC). We are pleased that we can start the research work in September.
RAVEN wins research grant from NBIF
RAVEN is pleased to announce that the New Brunswick Innovation Foundation (NBIF) has awarded our project with a grant that will allow us to conduct additional work, including with our new partner, the Joint Economic Development Initiative (JEDI). Thank you NBIF!
RAVEN staff hired
RAVEN’s first staff member, Tracy Glynn, began work today. Tracy is a doctoral candidate in the UNB Interdisciplinary Studies program. We are pleased to have her on the project. Tracy is an expert on photovoice and has extensive experience in the environmental movement in New Brunswick. Tracy will be working part-time during the summer to speak with social justice and environmental groups in the province and share information about the RAVEN project. We are starting to build the RAVEN network. Welcome Tracy!
RAVEN project announced at Congress 2018 in Regina
RAVEN principal investigator Susan O’Donnell chaired the panel session “Journalism, Protest, and Public Opinion” at the Canadian Communication Association (CCA) annual conference at the University of Regina on May 31. As part of her panel presentation: “Indigenous Resistance to Resource Extraction in New Brunswick’s Monopoly News Environment,” Susan announced the RAVEN project due to start the following week.
You can download Susan’s slides for her 2018 CCA presentation here.
RAVEN’s journey begins
The RAVEN project received funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council from 2018 until 2022, with partner the NB Media Co-op. Thank you SSHRC! The funding will allow us to build capacity for alternative digital media production and distribution by rural champions. Based at the University of New Brunswick in Fredericton, the new team will formally launch RAVEN in September 2018.